Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday 23 October 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Sports Hall 3 - Harrow Leisure Centre. View directions

Contact: Alison Atherton, Senior Professional - Democratic Services  Tel: 07825 726493 E-mail:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or non pecuniary interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members of the Council.

Additional documents:


The Monitoring Officer reported that a dispensation had been granted by the Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee via the urgency procedure to enable Members that may otherwise have a pecuniary interest in Motion 2, Motion to condemn the Government’s Winter Fuel Allowance cut, to take part in the debate for this meeting only and to remain, speak and vote.


The following interests were declared:


Item 10 – New Harrow Local Plan – proposed version for pre-submission (Regulation 19 stage) consultation


Councillor Christopher Baxter declared a non-pecuniary interest in that he was a Conservative Councillor representing a ward within the Harrow West constituency and Chapter 11: Site Allocations, pages 347 to 348 included Site O8 – Harrow West Conservative Association.  He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


Councillor June Baxter declared a non-pecuniary interest in that she was a Conservative Councillor representing a ward within the Harrow West constituency and Chapter 11: Site Allocations, pages 347 to 348 included Site O8 – Harrow West Conservative Association.  She would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


Councillor Ramji Chauhan declared a non-pecuniary interest in that he was a Conservative Councillor representing a ward within the Harrow West constituency and Chapter 11: Site Allocations, pages 347 to 348 included Site O8 – Harrow West Conservative Association.  He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


Councillor Stephen Greek declared non-pecuniary interests in that he was a Conservative Councillor representing a ward within the Harrow West constituency and Chapter 11: Site Allocations, pages 347 to 348 included Site O8 – Harrow West Conservative Association and was also an employee of the Greater London Authority.  He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


Councillor Susan Hall declared non-pecuniary interests in that she was a Conservative Councillor representing a ward within the Harrow West constituency and Chapter 11: Site Allocations, pages 347 to 348 included Site O8 – Harrow West Conservative Association and was also a member of the Greater London Authority.  She would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


Councillor Thaya Idaikkadar declared a non-pecuniary interest in that he was a Conservative Councillor representing a ward within the Harrow West constituency and Chapter 11: Site Allocations, pages 347 to 348 included Site O8 – Harrow West Conservative Association.  He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


Councillor Ameet Jogia MBE declared a non-pecuniary interest in that he was a Conservative Councillor representing a ward within the Harrow West constituency and Chapter 11: Site Allocations, pages 347 to 348 included Site O8 – Harrow West Conservative Association.  He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


Councillor Hitesh Karia declared a non-pecuniary interest in that he was a Conservative Councillor representing a ward within the Harrow West constituency and Chapter 11: Site Allocations, pages  ...  view the full minutes text for item 160.


Council Minutes pdf icon PDF 12 KB

That the minutes of the Annual meeting held on 16 May 2024 be taken as read and signed as a correct record.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the Annual meeting held on 16 May 2024 be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Procedural Motions

To receive and consider any procedural motions by Members of the Council in relation to the conduct of this Meeting.  Notice of such procedural motions, received after the issuing of this Summons, will be tabled.

Additional documents:


The Procedural Motion that the lead petitioner presenting the Petition in relation to item 5, Free Parking Provision in Harrow and Wealdstone Town Centres, be permitted to respond to the Member debate was not agreed.


The Procedural Motion that the time for speakers be extended beyond the 10 minutes for debate set out in the Council’s Petition Scheme in relation to item 5 - Petition – Protect the Free Parking Provision in Harrow and Wealdstone’s Town Centres was not agreed.



To receive any petitions to be presented:


(i)            by a representative of the petitioners;

(ii)          by a Councillor, on behalf of petitioners;

(iii)         by the Mayor, on behalf of petitioners.

Additional documents:


In accordance with Rule 10, the following petitions were received:


(i)             Petition submitted by Councillor Nitesh Hirani containing 164 signatures in relation to an LED Street Lamp upgrade on St Paul’s Avenue.


(ii)            Petition submitted by Councillor Krishna Suresh containing 136 signatures requesting the re-surfacing of Exeter Road.


(iii)          Petition submitted by Councillor Krishna Suresh containing 12 signatures requesting the installation of a security gate in Oxleay Road.


(iv)          Petition submitted by Councillor Nitin Parekh containing 59 signatures requesting the re-surfacing of the road and repair of the footpath in Tenby Road, Nolton and Prescelly Place.


(v)           Petition submitted by Councillor Stephen Hickman containing 48 signatures requesting the repairs of the footpaths on Roxeth Hill.


Petition - Protect the Free Parking Provision in Harrow and Wealdstone Town Centres

A petition containing over 2,000 signatures has been received and has the following terms:

We, the undersigned, oppose the Conservative run Council's plans to;

o   Remove Evening Free Parking after 6.30pm (all week) in Greenhill Way Car Park and Davy House, Lyon Road Car Park (Harrow Town Centre)

o   Remove Free Evening Parking (Mon - Sat) and All Day on Sundays in Palmerston Road Car Park (Wealdstone Town Centre)

o   We are also concerned with the reduction in Maximum Stay in Canons Park Parade, Whitchurch Lane, Merrion Avenue, Neptune Road, The Gardens and West Harrow (4 hours to 2 hours).”


A representative of the petitioners will read the terms of the petition on behalf of the petition signatories. There is a period of one minute allocated to present.


A period of ten minutes is permitted for Members to debate the Petition terms and issues. Following discussion the Council may choose to refer the petition to the Cabinet, a Committee or Strategic Director to consider the matter, taking into account the views expressed by Council.

Additional documents:


In accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme, Council received a petition

containing over 2,000 signatures as follows


(i)              Petition submitted by Chris Perdue, a representative of businesses, containing over 2,000 signatures stating


“Petition - Protect the Free Parking Provision in Harrow and Wealdstone Town Centres


“We, the undersigned, oppose the Conservative run Council's plans to;


o   Remove Evening Free Parking after 6.30pm (all week) in Greenhill Way Car Park and Davy House, Lyon Road Car Park (Harrow Town Centre)


o   Remove Free Evening Parking (Mon - Sat) and All Day on Sundays in Palmerston Road Car Park (Wealdstone Town Centre)


o   We are also concerned with the reduction in Maximum Stay in Canons Park Parade, Whitchurch Lane, Merrion Avenue, Neptune Road, The Gardens and West Harrow (4 hours to 2 hours).”


(ii)             Debate was held on the content of the petition.


RESOLVED:  That the petition referred to the Acting Strategic Director for Culture, Environment and Economy for consideration.


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 47 KB

A period of up to 15 minutes is allowed for members of the public to ask questions of members of the Executive, Portfolio Holders and Chairs of Committees, of which notice has been received no later than 3.00 pm two clear working days prior to the day of this Meeting.  Any such questions received will be tabled.

Additional documents:


To note that one public question had been received and responded to.


Leader and Portfolio Holder Announcements

To receive a presentation from the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holders on business since the last ordinary meeting, followed by a question and answer session.  The item is allotted 20 minutes.

Additional documents:


(i)              The Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Osborn, introduced the item highlighting the Administration’s achievements, challenges and plans since the last ordinary meeting.


(ii)             Other Members spoke and asked questions of the Leader of the Council which were duly responded to.


Recognition of Long Service - Councillor Marilyn Ashton pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Legal and Governance Services

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That a Long Service Award marking Councillor Marilyn Ashton’s 25 years’ service as a Member for Harrow Council in July 2024 be approved.


Designation of Director of Adult Social Services

Following the appointment of James Mass to the post of Strategic Director of Adults and Public Health (Director of Adult Social Services) by the Chief Officers’ Employment Panel, Council are requested to designate him as the statutory Director of Adult Social Services.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That James Mass, Strategic Director of Adults and Public Health (Director of Adult Social Services) be designated as the statutory Director of Adult Social Services.


New Harrow Local Plan – proposed version for pre-submission (Regulation 19 stage) consultation

Recommendation I:



(15 October 2024)


Additional documents:




(1)            consultation on the draft Local Plan (‘Regulation 19’ consultation), as attached at Appendix 1 to the officer report and accompanying documents (including those attached as appendices to the report), and the consultation arrangements as outlined in section 14 of the report, be agreed;


(2)            the Chief Planning Officer be authorised following consultation with the Planning and Regeneration Portfolio Holder and the Leader of Council, to submit the draft Plan and accompanying documents under Regulation 22 to the Secretary of State, subject to no major modifications arising from the Regulation 19 statutory public consultation and where needed due to the draft National Planning Policy Framework 2024 being published in its final form prior to the outcome of the Regulation 19 consultation;


(3)            it be noted that Regulation 19 Version of the Local Plan would be used for development management purposes and determining planning applications, with appropriate weight given in accordance with paragraph 48 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Refresh of the Contract Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 14 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Finance

Additional documents:




(1)            the Contract Procedure Rules February 2025, attached as Enclosure 1 to the officer report, be approved;


(2)            the Strategic Director of Legal and Governance be authorised to update the constitution once the Act comes into force;


(3)            the Financial Scheme of Delegation for award of contracts be revised as set out in the financial section of the officer report.


Amendments to the Constitution pdf icon PDF 12 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Legal and Governance   



Additional documents:




(1)             the changes to the Constitution set out in the officer report be agreed; and


(2)            the Monitoring Officer be authorised to update the Constitution in accordance with these changes.


Annual Youth Justice Plan pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Recommendation I:



(17 September 2024)


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the Harrow Youth Justice Plan be approved.


Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Annual Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Recommendation I:

Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee


(15 July 2024)


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee 2023/24 Annual Report be noted.


Pension Fund Committee - Membership

Council are requested to approve the change in membership of the Pension Fund Committee in that for Unison, Varsha Patel be appointed in place of John Royle and for GMB, Ann Jones be appointed in place of Pamela Belgrave.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the change in membership of the Pension Fund Committee, in that for Unison, Varsha Patel replaced John Royle and for GMB Ann Jones replaced Pamela Belgrave, be approved.


Use of the Urgency Procedure - Executive pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Legal and Governance Services

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the information report be noted.


Information Report - Remuneration and Severance Packages of £100, 000 or greater pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the information report be noted.


Questions with Notice

A period of up to 15 minutes is allowed for asking written questions by Members of Council of a member of the Executive or the Chair of any Committee:-


(i)            of which notice has been received at least two clear working days prior to the day of this Meeting; or


(ii)          which relate to urgent matters, and the consent of the Executive Member or Committee Chair to whom the question is to be put has been obtained and the content has been advised to the Director of Legal and Governance Services by 12 noon on the day of the Council Meeting.


Any such questions received will be tabled.

Additional documents:


There were no Questions with Notice.


Motions pdf icon PDF 79 KB

The following Motions have been notified in accordance with the requirements of Council Procedure Rule 15, to be moved and seconded by the Members indicated:


(1)            Motion to protect Harrow’s greenbelt and oppose government plans to weaken planning rules



To be moved by Councillor Marilyn Ashton and seconded by Councillor Stephen Greek:



This council notes:

·       The government’s proposed new National Planning Policy Framework proposes to:

o    Create a concept of ‘Greybelt’, blurring the lines and protections against inappropriate development on greenspaces.

o    Reduce resistance to development within the Greenbelt.

o    Expunge the requirement for developments to be ‘beautiful’.

o    Remove the requirement for extensions and loft conversions to ‘harmonise with the original building’.

o    Delete the emphasis on ensuring developments support ‘placemaking’.

o    Omit references to ‘achieving appropriate densities’ of housing in new applications.

o    Erase mention of extensions and loft conversions having to keep in character with the height of neighbouring properties.

o    Wipe out the stipulation that new developments cannot be ‘wholly out of character with the existing area’.

·       Harrow has 1,090 hectares of designated greenbelt land and 310 hectares of Metropolitan Open Land.

o    Unlike most other local authority areas, Harrow has not seen any reduction in Greenbelt land for more than 17 years.

·       The government has signalled its desire ‘to modernise planning committees’ which will reduce the role of democratically elected councillors in planning decisions and therefore weaken accountability to local residents.


This Council believes:

·       Our Greenbelt and Metropolitan Open Land is one of the defining features of our borough.  These green and open spaces are what gives Harrow its reputation as a leafy borough, in keeping with its Metroland heritage.

·       These green areas are the lungs of the borough.

·       There is clearly a need to build more houses, but there must be a balance.  Loosening regulations and blurring protections for Greenbelt land and green spaces could cause irreparable harm to the leafy character of our borough.

·       Proposals to allow ‘low quality Greybelt land’ to be released from the Greenbelt for development is deeply problematic and misguided.

o    This policy change would encourage landowners and/or developers to neglect their Greenbelt land, allowing it to fall into disrepair and become ‘low quality’.

o    Unscrupulous landowners/developers could then cynically seek permission to have the land released from the Greenbelt.

o    This alteration to regulations will fire the starting gun for as vandalism of our green spaces and countryside.

·       Local decision making, by locally elected councillors, is a key part of the planning system and delivers accountability and transparency to our residents.


This Council resolves:

·       To support the submission made by the Council to the Proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework consultation.

·       To put on record the Council’s commitment to do everything possible to support sensible and proportionate developments, while protecting Harrow’s Greenbelt and open land from inappropriate, dense and ugly developments.

·       To publicly oppose the introduction of a ‘grey belt’ category which will incite neglect and vandalism of our Greenbelt.

·       To state our  ...  view the full agenda text for item 178.

Additional documents:


(i)              “Motion to protect Harrow’s greenbelt and oppose government plans to weaken planning rules



Motion in the name of Councillor Marilyn Ashton and seconded by Councillor Stephen Greek:


This council notes:


·       The government’s proposed new National Planning Policy Framework proposes to:

o    Create a concept of ‘Greybelt’, blurring the lines and protections against inappropriate development on greenspaces.

o    Reduce resistance to development within the Greenbelt.

o    Expunge the requirement for developments to be ‘beautiful’.

o    Remove the requirement for extensions and loft conversions to ‘harmonise with the original building’.

o    Delete the emphasis on ensuring developments support ‘placemaking’.

o    Omit references to ‘achieving appropriate densities’ of housing in new applications.

o    Erase mention of extensions and loft conversions having to keep in character with the height of neighbouring properties.

o    Wipe out the stipulation that new developments cannot be ‘wholly out of character with the existing area’.

·       Harrow has 1,090 hectares of designated greenbelt land and 310 hectares of Metropolitan Open Land.

o    Unlike most other local authority areas, Harrow has not seen any reduction in Greenbelt land for more than 17 years.

·       The government has signalled its desire ‘to modernise planning committees’ which will reduce the role of democratically elected councillors in planning decisions and therefore weaken accountability to local residents.


This Council believes:


·       Our Greenbelt and Metropolitan Open Land is one of the defining features of our borough. These green and open spaces are what gives Harrow its reputation as a leafy borough, in keeping with its Metroland heritage.

·       These green areas are the lungs of the borough.

·       There is clearly a need to build more houses, but there must be a balance. Loosening regulations and blurring protections for Greenbelt land and green spaces could cause irreparable harm to the leafy character of our borough.

·       Proposals to allow ‘low quality Greybelt land’ to be released from the Greenbelt for development is deeply problematic and misguided.

o    This policy change would encourage landowners and/or developers to neglect their Greenbelt land, allowing it to fall into disrepair and become ‘low quality’.

o    Unscrupulous landowners/developers could then cynically seek permission to have the land released from the Greenbelt.

o    This alteration to regulations will fire the starting gun for as vandalism of our green spaces and countryside.

·       Local decision making, by locally elected councillors, is a key part of the planning system and delivers accountability and transparency to our residents.


This Council resolves:


·       To support the submission made by the Council to the Proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework consultation.

·       To put on record the Council’s commitment to do everything possible to support sensible and proportionate developments, while protecting Harrow’s Greenbelt and open land from inappropriate, dense and ugly developments.

·       To publicly oppose the introduction of a ‘grey belt’ category which will incite neglect and vandalism of our Greenbelt.

·       To state our conviction that developments in Harrow should be beautiful as well as in keeping with the height, scale and character if existing neighbourhoods.

·       To ensure  ...  view the full minutes text for item 178.


Termination of Meeting

Additional documents:


At 9.05 pm, during the debate on item 19, Motion 2, the Mayor asked Council if the guillotine should be extended until 9.45 pm.  This was not agreed.


At 9.17 pm it was proposed that the guillotine be extended until the conclusion of the debate on Motion 2 and all speakers that had been notified to the Mayor in advance had spoken.  This was agreed.


RESOLVED:  That the provisions of Rules 9.2 and 9.3 be applied as set out above.