Venue: Bryron Hall - Harrow Leisure Centre. View directions
Contact: Alison Atherton, Senior Professional - Democratic Services Tel: 07825 726493 E-mail:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||
Minute Silence Additional documents: Minutes: Members of Council stood and observed one minute silence for former Councillor Jane Swinton who had represented the Ridgeway Ward from 1990 to 1994 who had sadly passed away. |
That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 October 2024 be taken as read and signed as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 October 2024 be taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or non pecuniary interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members of the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The following interests were declared:
Item 4 – Petitions
During the course of the meeting, Councillor Paul Osborn declared a non-pecuniary interest in a petition that was presented related to traffic on West Harrow roads in that it was where he resided. He would remain in the room whilst the petition was presented.
Item 14 – Motion: Increases to the Minimum Wage
Councillor Dan Anderson declared a non-pecuniary interest in that he was employed by a Trades’ Union. He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.
Councillor Graham Henson declared an interest in that he was employed by a Trades’ Union and also worked with other organisations that campaigned for many issues including pay. He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.
Item 14 - Motion: £22.6 billion additional funding to the NHS
Councillor Ramji Chauhan declared a non-pecuniary interest in that his wife was employed at Northwick Park Hospital. He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.
Councillor Matthew Goodwin Freeman declared a non-pecuniary interest in that he was employed by a Harrow MP who had recently secured funding for Northwick Park Hospital. He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.
Councillor Graham Henson declared a non-pecuniary interest in that he was joint Chair of North West London STP which had become North West London ICS and that he had continued to represent Councils until 2022. He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.
Councillor Janet Mote declared a non-pecuniary interest in that her daughter was employed as a staff nurse at Northwick Park Hospital. She would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.
All items
Councillor Susan Hall declared an interest in that she was a Member of the Greater London Authority. |
Procedural Motions To receive and consider any procedural motions by Members of the Council in relation to the conduct of this Meeting. Notice of such procedural motions, received after the issuing of this Summons, will be tabled. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Osborn paid tribute to Anthony Wood who had recently retired as an Adviser to the Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel after 30 years. Councillor David Perry also expressed his gratitude as did Councillor Ameet Jogia, Chair of the Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel, on behalf of the Panel.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Osborn, moved a Procedural Motion that Motion 5, Young Carer’s in Harrow, not stand referred to the Executive and be debated as the first Motion under item 14 on the Council Summons, with Motion 4, Motion to condemn the Labour government’s National Insurance hike, then debated second and the remaining Motions be debated based in the order on the Summons. Having been seconded and put to the vote, this was agreed.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Osborn, moved a Procedural Motion that the tabled amendment to Motion 4, Motion to condemn the Labour government’s National Insurance hike, negated the Motion and should not be accepted. Having been put to the vote, this was agreed.
The Leader of the Opposition Group, Councillor David Perry, moved a Procedural Motion that Motion 3, Additional £500million for local road maintenance, not stand referred to the Executive and be debated. Having been seconded and put to the vote, this was not agreed. |
Petitions To receive any petitions to be presented:
(i) by a representative of the petitioners; (ii) by a Councillor, on behalf of petitioners; (iii) by the Mayor, on behalf of petitioners. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Rule 10, the following petitions were received:
(i) Petition submitted by Councillor Asif Hussain containing 103 signatures in relation to traffic and speed calming in West Harrow.
(ii) Petition submitted by Councillor Krishna Suresh containing 17 signatures in relation to the road surface in Perwell Avenue. |
Petition - Keep Free Weekend Parking at North Harrow Car Park A petition containing over 2,000 signatures has been received and has the following terms:
“We, the undersigned, oppose these plans to introduce Saturday charges at Cambridge Road car park, and call upon Harrow Council's Conservative administration to halt this proposal and maintain free Saturday parking at Cambridge Road car park.”
A representative of the petitioners will read the terms of the petition on behalf of the petition signatories. There is a period of one minute allocated to present.
A period of ten minutes is permitted for Members to debate the Petition terms and issues. Following discussion, the Council may choose to refer the petition to the Cabinet, a Committee or Strategic Director to consider the matter, taking into account the views expressed by Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor advised Council that the lead petitioner had been unable to attend the meeting.
RESOLVED: That the petition be received and debated at the next meeting of Council. |
A period of up to 15 minutes is allowed for members of the public to ask questions of members of the Executive, Portfolio Holders and Chairs of Committees, of which notice has been received no later than 3.00 pm two clear working days prior to the day of this Meeting. Any such questions received will be tabled. Additional documents: Minutes: To note that four public questions had been received and responded to. |
Leader and Portfolio Holder Announcements To receive a presentation from the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holders on business since the last ordinary meeting, followed by a question and answer session. The item is allotted 20 minutes. Additional documents: Minutes: (i) The Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Osborn, introduced the item highlighting the Administration’s achievements, challenges and plans since the last ordinary meeting.
(ii) Other Members spoke and asked questions of the Leader of the Council which were duly responded to. |
Long Service Award - Councillor Marilyn Ashton Further to the decision of Council on 23 October 2024, to make a presentation to Councillor Marilyn Ashton marking 25 years’ service on Harrow Council which she completed in July 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: Council had previously agreed, by Resolution 192 on 18 July 1985, that Members who completed 25 years’ service with the Council be presented with framed, illuminated copy resolutions of appreciation. Councillor Marilyn Ashton had completed 25 years’ service as a Member of the Authority in July 2024, and the resolution of appreciation had been adopted by Council on 23 October 2024.
The Mayor, Councillor Salim Chowdhury, on behalf of the Council, now formally congratulated Councillor Marilyn Ashton and presented her with a framed, illuminated copy resolution to mark her long service achievement. Councillors Paul Osborn, David Ashton, Christopher Baxter, Philip Benjamin, Govind Bharadia, Matthew Goodwin-Freeman, Stephen Greek, Chetna Halai, Susan Hall, Graham Henson, Ameet Jogia MBE, Hitesh Karia, Kuha Kumaran, Jean Lammiman, Amir Moshenson, Anjana Patel, Pritesh Patel, David Perry, Janet Mote, Yogesh Teli, Kanti Rabadia, Norman Stevenson, Zak Wagman and Antonio Weiss spoke in appreciation of Councillor Marilyn Ashton’s service.
Councillor Marilyn Ashton returned thanks for her presentation. |
Mount Vernon Cancer Centre Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Membership
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That
(1) the London Borough of Harrow’s full participation in the Mount Vernon Cancer Centre Joint Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (MVCC JHOSC), that was being set up by, and would be chaired by Hertfordshire County Council, be agreed;
(2) the appointment of the Chair of Harrow’s Health and Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee as Harrow’s member on the Mount Vernon Cancer Centre Joint Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (MVCC JHOSC) be agreed;
(3) the appointment of any further Member/s representing Harrow at the Mount Vernon Cancer Centre Joint Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (MVCC JHOSC) be delegated to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, in the interest of timeliness; and
(4) Harrow Council officers work with officers in other local authorities on the creation of the Mount Vernon Cancer Centre Joint Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (MVCC JHOSC), its terms of reference and programme of work, and any other administration to expedite its effective working. |
Pension Fund Committee Membership Council are requested to approve a change in membership of the Pension Fund Committee in that Stella Walker be appointed as a GMB representative. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That Stella Walker be appointed as a GMB representative on the Pension Fund Committee. |
Information Report - Severance Package of £100,000 or Greater Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the information report be noted. |
Information Report - Use of the Urgency Procedure - Executive Report of the Strategic Director of Legal and Governance Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the information report be noted. |
Questions with Notice A period of up to 15 minutes is allowed for asking written questions by Members of Council of a member of the Executive or the Chair of any Committee:-
(i) of which notice has been received at least two clear working days prior to the day of this Meeting; or
(ii) which relate to urgent matters, and the consent of the Executive Member or Committee Chair to whom the question is to be put has been obtained and the content has been advised to the Director of Legal and Governance Services by 12 noon on the day of the Council Meeting.
Any such questions received will be tabled. Additional documents: Minutes: To note that three questions from Councillors to the Portfolio Holders had been received and that the recording was on the Council’s website. |
The following Motions have been notified in accordance with the requirements of Council Procedure Rule 15, to be moved and seconded by the Members indicated:
Additional documents:
Termination of Meeting Additional documents: Minutes: At 9.03 pm, the Mayor asked Council if the guillotine should be extended. This was not agreed.
At 9.24 pm it was proposed that the guillotine be extended until the conclusion of the debate on Motion 5, Young Carers in Harrow. This was agreed.
RESOLVED: That the provisions of Rules 9.2 and 9.3 be applied as set out above. |