Venue: Virtual Meeting - Online. View directions
Contact: Alison Atherton, Senior Professional - Democratic Services Tel: 07825 726493 E-mail:
Link: View the meeting online
No. | Item | ||||||||||
That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2020 be taken as read and signed as a correct record. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2020 be taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 103 KB To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or non pecuniary interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members of the Council. Minutes: RESOLVED: To note that
(1) the Declarations of Interests published in advance of the meeting on the Council’s website were taken as read;
(2) Members who had declared interests remained in the virtual meeting whilst the matters were considered and voted upon except that Councillor Kairul Kareema Marikar, who had declared a disclosable pecuniary interest, left the meeting whilst agenda item 13, Non-Executive Fees and Charges 2021, was considered and voted upon. |
To receive and consider any procedural motions by Members of the Council in relation to the conduct of this Meeting. Notice of such procedural motions, received after the issuing of this Summons, will be tabled. Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor indicated that given the earlier start time of the Council meeting he proposed that the closure time of the meeting be 9.30 pm. Upon being put to the vote this was agreed.
The Mayor drew Council’s attention to the Procedural Motion under Rule 26.1 included in the Summons. The procedural motion was agreed so that, in line with previous years and for the purposes of the debate on the Final Revenue Budget 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2021/22 - 2023/24, the rules of debate be varied, as set out on the Summons, and that the procedure therein also be applied to the reports on the Council Borough Plan including the Draft Corporate Plan, the Treasury Management Strategy Statement including Annual Investment Strategy for 2021/22 and Capital Strategy for 2021/22, the Capital Programme 2021/22 to 2023/24, the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2022/23 to 2023/24, in so far as the recommendations be debated jointly.
(1) the partial suspension under Rule 26.1, regarding the moving of recommendations from Cabinet and included in the Chief Executive’s report on the Council Borough Plan and the rules of debate (including extended time for opening speeches by the political groups), as set out in the Summons be approved for the purposes of the debate upon
(2) the Procedural Motion be agreed. |
Petitions To receive any petitions to be presented:
(i) by a representative of the petitioners; (ii) by a Councillor, on behalf of petitioners; (iii) by the Mayor, on behalf of petitioners. Minutes: In accordance with Rule 10, the following petition was received:
(i) Petition submitted by Councillor John Hinkley on behalf of the residents of Royston Park Road containing 151 signatures in relation to speeding issues.
RESOLVED: That the petition be referred to the Corporate Director of Community for consideration. |
A period of up to 15 minutes is allowed for members of the public to ask questions of members of the Executive, Portfolio Holders and Chairs of Committees, of which notice has been received no later than 3.00 pm two clear working days prior to the day of this Meeting. Any such questions received will be tabled. Minutes: To note that one question from a member of the public had been received and responded to and the recording of this question and the answer given had been placed on the Council’s website. |
Leader and Portfolio Holder Announcements To receive a presentation from the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holders on business since the last ordinary meeting, followed by a question and answer session. The item is allotted 20 minutes. Minutes: (i) The Leader of the Council, Councillor Graham Henson, introduced the item highlighting the achievements, challenges and proposals since the last ordinary meeting.
(ii) Other Members spoke and/or asked questions of the Leader of the Council which were duly responded to. |
Council Borough Plan including the Draft Corporate Plan PDF 20 KB Report of the Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That
(1) the Borough Plan approved by Council in November 2020 remain as the Corporate Plan for the Council in the 2021/22 year;
(2) the Corporate Priorities approved by Council in November 2020 remain as the Corporate Priorities for the 2021/22 year and that all Council activity be driven by this set of Corporate Priorities;
(3) responsibility be delegated back to Cabinet for approving the Council Delivery Plan in due course following the end of the Covid Emergency (which would set out the Council’s shorter-term contribution and performance measures for delivery of the Corporate Plan [Borough Plan]); and
(4) the final Borough Plan 2021-2030 be submitted to Council for approval once consultation could be undertaken with the Harrow community. |
Final Revenue Budget 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2021/22 - 2023/24 PDF 48 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: (i) Further to item 8 on the Summons, the Council received Recommendation II of the Cabinet meeting held on 11 February 2021.
(ii) The Mayor requested that Members, in making the decision on this item, had regard to the Cabinet report of 11 February 2021, the sections on equalities, the equality impact assessments and the results of the budget consultation.
A tabled amendment was received, duly seconded and was lost. The proposer of the amendment requested that the vote on the amendment be recorded. The voting was as follows:
In favour of the amendment: Councillors Almond, Ashton, Bath, Baxter, Benjamin, Chana, Chauhan, Greek, Halai, Hall, Hinkley, Hirani, Jogia, Lammiman, Dr Lewinson, Mithani, Moshenson, Chris Mote, Janet Mote, Osborn, Mina Parmar, Anjana Patel, Pritesh Patel, Rabadia, Seymour, Stevenson and Thakker.
Against the amendment: Councillors Ali, Dan Anderson, Jeff Anderson, Sue Anderson, Assad, Borio, Brown, Butterworth, Dattani, Ferry, Fitzpatrick, Gilligan, Graham Henson, Maxine Henson, Marikar, Lee, Jamie, Maru, Miles, Murphy-Strachan, O’Dell, Varsha Parmar, Primesh Patel, Perry, Proctor, Ramchandani, Robson, Rekha Shah, Sachin Shah, Smith, Krishna Suresh, Sasikala Suresh, Swersky and Dr Weiss.
Abstain: His Worshipful the Mayor Councillor Nitin Parekh
Upon the meeting moving to the vote on the substantive Recommendation it was carried. The voting was as follows:
In Favour of the Recommendation: Councillors Ali, Dan Anderson, Jeff Anderson, Sue Anderson, Assad, Borio, Brown, Butterworth, Dattani, Ferry, Fitzpatrick, Gilligan, Graham Henson, Maxine Henson, Marikar, Lee, Jamie, Maru, Miles, Murphy-Strachan, O’Dell, Varsha Parmar, Primesh Patel, Perry, Proctor, Ramchandani, Robson, Rekha Shah, Sachin Shah, Smith, Krishna Suresh, Sasikala Suresh, Swersky and Dr Weiss.
Against the Recommendation: Councillors Almond, Ashton, Bath, Baxter, Benjamin, Chana, Chauhan, Greek, Halai, Hall, Hinkley, Hirani, Jogia, Lammiman, Dr Lewinson, Mithani, Moshenson, Chris Mote, Janet Mote, Osborn, Mina Parmar, Anjana Patel, Pritesh Patel, Rabadia, Seymour, Stevenson and Thakker.
Abstain: His Worshipful the Mayor Councillor Nitin Parekh.
(1) the 2021/22 budget, taking into account the results of the various consultations and equality impact assessments, be approved toenable the Council Tax for 2021/22 to be set (Appendix 2 to the reportreferred);
(2) the Model Council Tax Resolution 2021/22, as set out in Appendix 11 to the report, beapproved;
(3) the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), as set out in Appendix 2 to the officer report, beapproved;
(4) the 2021/22 Members’ Allowance Scheme, as set out in Appendix 12 to the officer report, beapproved;
(5) the 2021/22 Annual Pay Policy Statement, as set out in Appendix 13to the officer report, be approved;
(6) the Capital Receipts Flexibility Strategy, as set out in Appendix 14 to the report, beapproved. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That
(1) the Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2021/22 be approved,including:
· Prudential Indicators for2021/22 · Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement for 2021/22, as set out in paragraph 2.10 and Appendix C to the officerreport; · Annual Investment Strategy for2021/22
(2) the Annual Capital Strategy as set out in Appendix G to the officer report, beapproved. |
Capital Programme 2021/22 to 2023/24 PDF 47 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Capital Programme 2021/22 to 2023/24, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the officer report, be approved. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That
(1) the Housing Revenue Account Budget for 2021-22 beapproved;
(2) the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme, as set out at Appendix 7 to the report, beapproved. |
Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee Annual Report 2019/20 PDF 48 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee Annual Report 2019/20 be noted. |
Non- Executive Fees and Charges for 2021/22 PDF 19 KB Report of the Chief Executive Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That
(1) the fees and charges for the financial year 2021-22 listed in Appendix 1 to the report be approved and set;
(2) the Director of Finance be authorised, following consultation with the Corporate Director, Community and the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Equalities, to amend fees and charges in year and agree new fees and charges.
(Councillor Kairul Kareema Marikar left the meeting for the debate on this item). |
Pension Board Annual Report PDF 47 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Pension Board Annual Report for 2019/20 be endorsed. |
Information Report - Decisions Taken Under The Urgency Procedure - Executive PDF 19 KB Report of the Director of Legal and Governance Services Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Questions with Notice A period of up to 15 minutes is allowed for asking written questions by Members of Council of a member of the Executive or the Chair of any Committee:-
(i) of which notice has been received at least two clear working days prior to the day of this Meeting; or
(ii) which relate to urgent matters, and the consent of the Executive Member or Committee Chair to whom the question is to be put has been obtained and the content has been advised to the Director of Legal and Governance Services by 12 noon on the day of the Council Meeting.
Any such questions received will be tabled. Minutes: To note that no Councillor questions had been received. |
Motions The following Motions have been notified in accordance with the requirements of Council Procedure Rule 15, to be moved and seconded by the Members indicated:
Minutes: “Motion to adopt a Supplementary Planning Document to resist high-rise developments in suburban Harrow
Motion in the names of Councillor Marilyn Ashton and Councillor Stephen Greek.
This Council notes:
(i) The Government has directed the GLA to amend policy D9 of the new London Plan, known as the Tall Buildings policy, in order to give Councils the ability to resist high-rise developments in suburban areas and outside of locations identified as suitable in local development plans (such as Intensification or Opportunity Areas).
(ii) Residents across Harrow have expressed concerns about the number of tall buildings dominating our skyline, resulting in a complete change of character within the borough.
This Council believes:
· We should take back control, now that we have the tools to do it, of the built environment within Harrow.
· The way to control these developments is through Supplementary Planning Documents, which would be targeted at areas where we have identified development potential.
· The detail contained within these documents will add weight to the Council’s argument against inappropriate development and high-rise tower blocks in our suburban areas, particularly on sites that are privately owned.
· Where sites are owned by the Council, the Council should take advantage of the amendment to policy D9 and scale back developments accordingly.
This Council resolves:
· To bring forward and adopt Supplementary Planning Documents, which will specify and limit the height of new buildings to a maximum of six storeys high in areas outside of the Opportunity Area and where there are known brown field sites as yet to be developed.”
Upon the meeting moving to a vote on the Motion, ten Members requested a Roll Call Vote and the Motion was lost. The voting on the Motion was as follows:
In Favour of the Motion: Councillors Almond, Ashton, Bath, Baxter, Benjamin, Chana, Chauhan, Greek, Halai, Hall, Hinkley, Hirani, Jogia, Lammiman, Dr Lewinson, Kairul Kareema Marikar, Mithani, Moshenson, Chris Mote, Janet Mote, Osborn, Mina Parmar, Anjana Patel, Pritesh Patel, Rabadia, Seymour, Stevenson and Thakker.
Against the Motion: Councillors Ali, Dan Anderson, Jeff Anderson, Sue Anderson, Assad, Borio, Brown, Butterworth, Dattani, Ferry, Fitzpatrick, Gilligan, Graham Henson, Maxine Henson, Jamie, Maru, Miles, Murphy-Strachan, O’Dell, Varsha Parmar, Primesh Patel, Perry, Proctor, Ramchandani, Robson, Rekha Shah, Sachin Shah, Smith, Krishna Suresh, Sasikala Suresh, Swersky and Dr Weiss.
Abstain: His Worshipful the Mayor Councillor Nitin Parekh and Councillor Lee. |