Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday 30 November 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Kadwa Patidar Centre, Kenmore Avenue, Kenton, Harrow, HA3 8LU. View directions

Contact: Alison Atherton, Senior Professional - Democratic Services  Tel: 07825 726493 E-mail:


No. Item


Minute Silence

Additional documents:


Members of Council stood and observed one minute silence for former Mayor and Councillor Asad Omar who had sadly passed away in October 2023 and for former Councillor Tony Ferrari who had passed away in November 2023.


Council Minutes pdf icon PDF 12 KB

That the minutes of the meeting held on 28 September 2023 be taken as read and signed as a correct record.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 28 September 2023 be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or non pecuniary interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members of the Council.

Additional documents:


The following interests were declared during the course of the meeting:


Item 14 – Questions with Notice


Councillor Susan Hall declared an interest in that the Mayor of London was mentioned and that she was a member of the Greater London Authority.  She would remain in the room whilst the question was put and answered.


Councillor Asif Hussain declared an interest in that the Mayor of London was mentioned and that he was employed by the Greater London Authority.  He would remain in the room whilst the question was put and answered.


Procedural Motions

To receive and consider any procedural motions by Members of the Council in relation to the conduct of this Meeting.  Notice of such procedural motions, received after the issuing of this Summons, will be tabled.

Additional documents:


There were no procedural motions.



To receive any petitions to be presented:


(i)            by a representative of the petitioners;

(ii)          by a Councillor, on behalf of petitioners;

(iii)         by the Mayor, on behalf of petitioners.

Additional documents:


There were no petitions received.


Public Questions

A period of up to 15 minutes is allowed for members of the public to ask questions of members of the Executive, Portfolio Holders and Chairs of Committees, of which notice has been received no later than 3.00 pm two clear working days prior to the day of this Meeting.  Any such questions received will be tabled.

Additional documents:


There were no public questions.


Leader and Portfolio Holder Announcements

To receive a presentation from the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holders on business since the last ordinary meeting, followed by a question and answer session.  The item is allotted 20 minutes.

Additional documents:


(i)              The Leader of the Council, Councillor Paul Osborn, introduced the item highlighting the Administration’s achievements, challenges and plans since the last ordinary meeting.


(ii)             Other Members spoke and asked questions of the Leader of the Council which were duly responded to.


Long Service Award - Councillor Simon Brown

Further to the decision of Council on 28 September 2023, to make a presentation to Councillor Simon Brown marking 25 years’ service on Harrow Council which he completed in May 2023.

Additional documents:


Council had previously agreed, by Resolution 192 on 18 July 1985, that Members who completed 25 years’ service with the Council be presented with framed, illuminated copy resolutions of appreciation.  Councillor Simon Brown had completed 25 years’ service as a Member of the Authority in May 2023, and the resolution of appreciation had been adopted by Council on 28 September 2023.


The Mayor, Councillor Ramji Chauhan, on behalf of the Council, now formally congratulated Councillor Simon Brown and presented him with a framed, illuminated copy resolution to mark his long service achievement.  Councillors David Perry, Marilyn Ashton, Graham Henson, Jean Lammiman, Natasha Proctor, Janet Mote, Sasi Suresh and Paul Osborn spoke in appreciation of Councillor Simon Brown’s service.


Councillor Simon Brown returned thanks for his presentation.


Employment Arrangements for the Head of Paid Service (Managing Director) pdf icon PDF 25 KB

Recommendation I:

Chief Officers’ Employment Panel


16 November 2023


Additional documents:


RESOLVED (unanimously):  That the current fixed-term arrangements for Alex Dewsnap, Head of Paid Service (Managing Director) be extended for a further three years until 2026 in accordance with the terms and conditions governing Chief Officer posts.


Constitution Update pdf icon PDF 12 KB

Report of the Interim Director of Legal and Governance Services

Additional documents:




(1)            the Constitution be amended as set out in appendices A, B and C to these minutes;


(2)            the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make these changes to the Constitution.


Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee Annual report pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Recommendation I: Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee

(20 September 2023)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee Annual Report 2022/23 be noted.


Annual Youth Justice Plan pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Recommendation I:



16 November 2023


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the Youth Justice Plan 2023-24 be approved.


Information Report - Use of Urgency Procedure - Council pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


Information Report - Remuneration Packages of £100,000 or greater pdf icon PDF 13 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


Questions with Notice pdf icon PDF 65 KB

A period of up to 15 minutes is allowed for asking written questions by Members of Council of a member of the Executive or the Chair of any Committee:-


(i)            of which notice has been received at least two clear working days prior to the day of this Meeting; or


(ii)          which relate to urgent matters, and the consent of the Executive Member or Committee Chair to whom the question is to be put has been obtained and the content has been advised to the Director of Legal and Governance Services by 12 noon on the day of the Council Meeting.


Any such questions received will be tabled.

Additional documents:


To note that four questions from Councillors to the Portfolio Holders had been received and that the recording was on the Council’s website.


Motions pdf icon PDF 90 KB

The following Motions have been notified in accordance with the requirements of Council Procedure Rule 15, to be moved and seconded by the Members indicated:


(1)            Tamil Heritage Month Motion



To be moved by Councillor Thaya Idaikkadar and seconded by Councillor Kuha Kumaran:



This Council notes:

·       that January 2024 will be Tamil Heritage Month.

·       The tremendous contributions that Tamils make to Harrow’s diverse community.

·       The richness of Tamil culture and the positive difference it has made to our society locally.

·       January is an important month for Tamils as it marks Thai Pongal, the Tamil Harvest Festival.

·       The importance of increasing awareness about the accomplishments of the Tamil diaspora.

This Council resolves to:

·       Reaffirm our strong commitment to support Tamil Heritage Month events in Harrow.

·       Continue to work with and support the local Tamil community.


(2)            Supporting Voter ID Motion



To be moved by Councillor Paul Osborn and seconded by Councillor Marilyn Ashton:



“The London Borough of Harrow recognises the importance of public trust in the security of the electoral process.


This Council notes: 

·       The threats to the democratic process must be combated to protect the integrity of our democracy.

·       That the independent electoral Commission has called for a resolution to issues relating to voter ID in the UK.

·       The recent law change allows for the provision of free voter ID cards (Voter Authority Certificates) which are issued by local authorities.  This means financial hardship will not be a barrier to a voter’s ability to get an ID and cast their ballot.

This Council believes:

·       Considering how frequently residents now require ID in their day-to-day lives, the new requirement for voters to have ID to vote is a reasonable approach to reducing the threat of voter fraud and ensures that there are still not significant barriers to voting.

·       That the system for applying for voter ID for those without a valid voter ID is simple and has ensured that all can access the electoral process.

This Council resolves:

·       To fulfil its duty to properly inform residents about the latest change in voting requirements.

·       To commit to continuing to use its communication channels to notify residents about the need for voter ID in next year’s Mayoral, GLA and parliamentary elections.”


(3)            Motion – Mortgages and Rent in Harrow



To be moved by Councillor Antonio Weiss and seconded by Councillor David Perry:



Council recognises that people across our borough are struggling to make ends meet and are in urgent need of support.


·       One in five adults in the UK has less than £100 in savings.

·       Nearly four million children in Britain live in poverty.

·       Areas of Harrow are the most deprived in the country, with many residents living in overcrowded accommodation.


High inflation and borrowing rates have hit lower-income households hardest, mostly because of the sharp increases in mortgage rates and rent.


Council notes that:-


·       The Resolution Foundation estimate that about 21% of the 7.586m households with mortgages or loans (around 1.6 million households) will see their fixed-rate mortgage deal expire  ...  view the full agenda text for item 123.

Additional documents:


(i)             “Tamil Heritage Month Motion


Motion in the names of Councillor Thaya Idaikkadar and seconded by Councillor Kuha Kumaran:



This Council notes:


·       that January 2024 will be Tamil Heritage Month.

·       The tremendous contributions that Tamils make to Harrow’s diverse community.

·       The richness of Tamil culture and the positive difference it has made to our society locally.

·       January is an important month for Tamils as it marks Thai Pongal, the Tamil Harvest Festival.

·       The importance of increasing awareness about the accomplishments of the Tamil diaspora.


This Council resolves to:


·       Reaffirm our strong commitment to support Tamil Heritage Month events in Harrow.

·       Continue to work with and support the local Tamil community.


A tabled amendment in the names of Councillor Krishna Suresh and Councillor David Perry was received. Councillor Paul Osborn raised a point of order stating that the amendment introduced a new proposal.  In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 17.6.1, the Mayor stated that he would accept the amendment subject to the deletion of the changes proposed to the last bullet point.  The tabled amendment, having been further amended was then put to the vote and was agreed.


RESOLVED (unanimously):  That the amended Motion, as set below, be adopted:


This Council notes:


·       that January 2024 will be Tamil Heritage Month.

·       That Harrow Council was the first ever council in the country in 2020 to recognise celebration of Tamil Heritage Month in January.

·       The tremendous contributions that Tamils make to Harrow’s diverse community.

·       The richness of Tamil culture and the positive difference it has made to our society locally.

·       January is an important month for Tamils as it marks Thai Pongal, the Tamil Harvest Festival which are proud to be celebrating in Harrow since 2011.

·       The importance of increasing awareness about the accomplishments of the Tamil diaspora.


This Council resolves to:


·       Reaffirm our strong commitment to continue to support Tamil Heritage Month events in Harrow.

·       Continue to work with and support the local Tamil community.


(ii)           “Supporting Voter ID Motion


Motion in the names of Councillor Paul Osborn and Councillor Marilyn Ashton:



“The London Borough of Harrow recognises the importance of public trust in the security of the electoral process.


This Council notes: 


·       The threats to the democratic process must be combated to protect the integrity of our democracy.

·       That the independent electoral Commission has called for a resolution to issues relating to voter ID in the UK.

·       The recent law change allows for the provision of free voter ID cards (Voter Authority Certificates) which are issued by local authorities.  This means financial hardship will not be a barrier to a voter’s ability to get an ID and cast their ballot.


This Council believes:


·       Considering how frequently residents now require ID in their day-to-day lives, the new requirement for voters to have ID to vote is a reasonable approach to reducing the threat of voter fraud and ensures that there are still not significant barriers to voting.

·       That the system for applying for voter ID for those without  ...  view the full minutes text for item 123.