Agenda and minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education - Tuesday 9 March 2010 7.30 pm

Contact: Mark Doherty, Acting Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 020 8416 8050 E-mail:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially the visitors from Park High School, who were attending in order to make a presentation about attainment in RE at KS 3, 4, and 5 and the quality of provision for Religious Education.  (See 6a below)


Apologies for Absence


RESOLVED: To note apologies for absence from Mrs Martha Besser, Mr Mike Bishop, Cllr Lurline Champagnie, Mrs Niru Desai, Mrs Mary Abbott, Rev’d Giles Pinnock, Ms Heena Modi, Mr Neville Ransley, Mr Shaban Saddak, Ms Nancy Parsons and Mrs Bhavita Pandya.




No new members or reserve members were in attendance.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 December 2009


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2009, having been circulated and taken as read, were signed as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:


·         p.1. Attendance: Mrs Niru Desai was in attendance

·         p.1. Attendance: “A denotes absence” should be “A denotes absence with apologies”

·         p.4. Minutes 9, second bullet point: “take” should be “talk”

·         p.4. Minute 10, first paragraph: “Julia” should be “Julie”


Matters Arising from the Minutes not included elsewhere on the Agenda


a)                 Minute no. 9. SACRE Annual Report


·                     Rachel Bowerman reported that the Annual Report is complete.  The new SACRE website is almost ready and, when it is, the Annual Report will be uploaded.

Action:  Rachel Bowerman

·                     The circulation list has been agreed with the Chair, but rather than send out paper copies to all representatives of places of worship, a letter will be sent, advising them of the website address and offering a paper copy of the report on request.

Action:  Rachel Bowerman and Chair


·                     Head Teachers will be advised of the report via the Gold Bulletin and an electronic copy of the report can be sent to them.


·                     The website address is expected to be www.sacre.harrow.lgfl.  This will be confirmed.  The format is transferable when lgfl is no longer available.


·                     Minutes and paperwork for meetings will also be available on the website.


·                     In response to a question about the school that entered only a minority of its students for RS GSCE, Rachel Bowerman explained that she would defer reporting on this until Bhavita Pandya, who is an AST (Advanced Skills Teacher) and teaches within that RS Department, was present to outline current provision for RS.


·                     In response to a question about the number of students studying optionall RS GCSE modules specific to their own faith tradition, Ms Bowerman referred to items 6a and 6b on the agenda, saying that this was the kind of data that might be gathered through a SEF.  Information about pupils studying an RS GCSE module through their place of worship, would be of interest to members in building up their picture of young people and faith in Harrow, but was beyond the statutory remit of SACRE.   It was agreed that SACRE members might wish to provide such information from their faith communities.


b)                 Minute no.10. Youth on religion


·                     Rachel Bowerman informed the Committee that a letter had been sent to Nicola Madge to inform her of Harrow SACRE’s withdrawal from the project. Brent SACRE was considering joining the project.  Rachel Bowerman had been asked for reasons for Harrow’s withdrawal, but the email went to her home address and thus was overlooked.


c)                 Minute no 12c) Circulation of minutes

The Clerk had produced the minutes within two days of the meeting but Rachel Bowerman had been unable to check them immediately.  Nonetheless, they went out well ahead of the meeting.


SACRE Monitoring Standards and Quality of Provision for RE in Harrow Schools


a)                 Philosophy and Ethics Curriculum Review Report  (Self Evaluation Form for Curriculum Leaders, p8-12 of documents previously circulated)

Rachel Bowerman explained that each Curriculum Leader at Park High School produces a SEF and that the Philosophy and Ethics department had been enthusiastic in agreeing to present its RE SEF to SACRE.  She welcomed Sonal Shah, Curriculum Leader for Philosophy and Ethics, Chris Stump, teacher and two students, Diviya Devani, from Yr 13 and Senira Patel, Yr 12.   Ms Bowerman reminded members that the purpose of this presentation was to report evaluation of the quality of the teaching and the corresponding quality of the pupils’ learning. This would assist SACRE in its monitoring.


i                      Firstly Sonal Shah took members through parts 1 and 5 of the 2008 - 9 RE SEF (previously circulated).  Part 1 includes an assessment of attainment on entry in Y8 and an analysis of progress pupils have made by the end of the year; part 5 evaluates quality of teaching and the curriculum.  She recognized a need for a more evaluative and succinct SEF under the new Framework and explained that this RE SEF would be updated using 2009 - 2010 monitoring evidence.


ii                    Ms Shah then explained that a Departmental Review had taken place earlier in the Spring Term 2010.  Monitoring activities had included lesson observations by the Senior Leadership Team and an external RE specialist, scrutiny of pupils’ books – with a focus on their learning and progress, and on teachers’ marking and annotations – ‘student voice’ questionnaires and interviews with a focus group about preferred teaching styles and the effectiveness of teachers’ feedback. 


iii                  Although the Review report had not yet been completed, Sonal Shah was able to summarise the findings:


·                     Teaching and assessment would be judged “good”. Three out of four lessons observed had been “outstanding. “  Pupils reported that they regard listening to teachers’ explanations as valuable, they also enjoy group discussions and role play.


·                     Regarding pupils’ achievement: at GCSE, RE results were amongst the highest in the school.  KS3 outcomes were slightly lower than the school average, but this data should be seen within the context that  RS is taught one period a week in 6 week blocks each term. The GCSE results show that students accelerate their progress and attain well in KS4.


iv                  Provision for RE in Primary schools:  In response to a question about what the baseline assessment of Y8 pupils on entry to Park High in September 2009 had revealed about RE in primary schools, Sonal Shah replied that Philosophy for Children (P4C), included in the curriculum of the feeder primary schools, had equipped children with strategies for questioning and enquiry.  As a result, Y8 pupils were able to contribute strongly to discussions in RE lessons.  She observed however that there was a difference between P4C used as a pedagogical tool and the concepts and content of philosophy of religion.


v                    AS and A2 Levels:in response to a question about the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 246.


SACRE Leadership and Management


SACRE Chairs’ Group:

     In accordance with a proposal made at the last meeting (Minute 12.b.) Chairs were elected for each of the SACRE groups.  Rachel Bowerman explained that there was no intention to by-pass the democratic processes of SACRE.  The Chairs would be able to progress the work of SACRE between meetings and scrutinise evidence from schools.  They could be among the first members to be trained to analyse RE SEFs and produce summary reports.

     Chairs were elected as follows:

     Group A:  Mike Bishop and Gill Ross

Group B:  Rev’d Giles Pinnock

Group C:  Bhavita Pandya nominated in her absence

Group D:  Cllr Nana Asante




To receive an application for a determination “for a variation in the requirement of the Education Reform Act 1988 and Education Act 1993, that collective worship is wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character” from

     Vaughan Nursery, First and Middle School(p 17-25 of documents previously circulated)

     In the light of discussion at the last meeting (minute 11, paragraph 3) it was agreed that the religious categories were inconsistent and could give a misleading impression of the proportions of religious faith in a school.

At this point (9.15) VenSumana Sramaner left the meeting

     Rachel Bowerman reaffirmed that she was not inclined to encourage schools to reapply for determinations.  She explained that schools whose determinations were due to expire had already been sent renewal application before she took up her post.  Ms Bowerman’s professional advice was that Collective worship should be relevant to the age and abilities of pupils and inclusive of all pupils and staff, whatever their faith background.  Collective Worship usually took place within the context of an assembly, but there was no legal requirement for an assembly.

It was suggested that Rachel Bowerman should write to the remaining schools who had received renewal forms for their determinations, suggesting that there was no need for them to reapply as SACRE was rethinking its policy on collective worship.

This suggestion raised concerns that SACRE would then be deprived of one means of obtaining information from schools about their provision for collective worship.

It was proposed that a more valuable way of gaining such information would be a programme of visits for SACRE members to observe collective worship in schools.  Members could then report back.  It was agreed that this could prove extremely useful and valuable.  Rachel Bowerman agreed to introduce such a programme.

It was agreed that Collective Worship should be a major agenda item for a future meeting.  The Chair informed members that her Farmington Fellowship report was entitled ‘Using Qur’anic Stories in Collective Worship.’  This can be accessed on the internet by googling “Alison Stowe”.

After this discussion the following proposals were made:

Vaughan Nursery, First and Middle School should be granted its determination. Agreed with one abstention and one vote against.

Action:  Rachel Bowerman to write and inform the school of this decision

That determinations for schools should be discontinued on the strict understanding that a programme of visits to schools is implemented as a process for SACRE to monitor and evaluate the quality of Collective Worship.  Agreed unanimously

Action: Rachel Bowerman will take this forward.


Reports from SACRE Partners


a)                 Harrow Inter Faith Council


With regard to the proposal for a Harrow Interfaith Youth Forum and DVD project, the Chair reminded SACRE of the chronology of this proposal.   Pat Stevens had applied for a NASACRE/West Hill Award in 2008 – 2009 but her bid had been unsuccessful.  Pat had sought  match funding for the project by the Achievement and Inclusion Service and Harrow Inter Faith Council; the LA required a clear outline of the project aim and intended outcomes.  SACRE and HIFC could apply again for a NASACRE/West Hill Award, but the deadline for applications was 31 March 2010.  The bid would need to map the role of project leader, experienced both in media and with RE expertise.  The Chair also emphasised that SACRE must be clear about its role and that of the Harrow Inter Faith Council.  MrsPhiroza Gan-Kotwal described her experience of working with Age Concern in developing DVDs.


The Chair asked members to contact her if they were interested in developing the SACRE project plan.

                                                                 Action: Chair/SACRE members


b)                   Faith Communities


·                     Yom Ha-Shoah:Mrs Doreen Samuels informed the meeting that Yom Ha-Shoah is the day of remembrance in the Jewish calendar for victims of the Nazi Holocaust.  A service of commemoration would take place at Pinner Synagogue on Sunday 11 April. Posters advertising this event were circulated amongst members.

·                     Maundy Thursday: Cllr Nana Asante informed the meeting that a Maundy Thursday celebration would take place on Thursday 1 April between 12.30 and 1.45 at the Civic Centre.

·                     Induction at St Anselm’s, Belmont: The Rev’d Mathew Stone informed the meeting that a new vicar, Rev’d Christine Robinson would be inducted at St Anselm’s in Belmont on Monday 24 May. 

·                     Pesach:  Mrs Doreen Samuels informed the meeting that Moriah School was holding a model Seder on 24 March.  She could obtain invitations for any SACRE members who were interested in attending.

·                     International Humanist Day: Julie Crow informed the meeting that International Humanist Day will be celebrated on 21 June.


c)                      Harrow Hate Crime Forum


The Chair was unable to attend the last meeting of the Harrow Hate Crime Forum, so had nothing to report.


Any Other Business


a)                 Park High Visitors:

The Chair would write a letter of thanks to the Park High visitors for their presentation.

Action:  Chair


Dates of Future SACRE Meetings


Summer Term 2010:

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Autumn Term 2010:

Wednesday 15 September


Tuesday 23 November   (Clerk to confirm with Mark Doherty)