Agenda and minutes

Moved from 11 March 2009, Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education - Thursday 12 March 2009 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 6, Harrow Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2XY. View directions

Contact: Lysandra Dwyer, Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 020 8424 1264 E-mail:

Note No. Item




Opening Reflection

By Nancy Parsons


Miss Parsons opened the meeting with a spiritual reflection.


Welcome, Introductions and Membership



RESOLVED:  To appoint the following nominees as new Members of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE):


Dr J Crow (nominated to replace Mr Liversedge as Humanist Member)

Miss F Rahemani (nominated to replace Mrs Gulamhusein as a member of the Muslim faith)

Rev’d G Pinnock (nominated by the Harrow Church of England Synod)

Rev’d Matthew Stone (nominated by the Harrow Church of England Synod)


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence (if any).



RESOLVED:  To note that apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Lurline Champagnie, Ms F Aldridge, Mrs M Besser, Mr M Bishop, Ms G Capin and Ms H Modi.


Attendance by Reserve Members



RESOLVED:  To note the attendance at this meeting of the following duly appointed Reserve Member:-


Ordinary Member


Reserve Member


Councillor Nana Asante

Councillor Nizam Ismail



Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from:


(a)               all Members of the Committee, Sub Committee, Panel or Forum;

(b)               all other Members present in any part of the room or chamber.



RESOLVED:  To note that there were no declarations of interest made by Members present in relation to the business transacted at this meeting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 24 KB

That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2008 be taken as read and signed as a correct record.



RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2008, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Distribution of the SACRE Report 2007-2008

Pat Stevens


The finalised SACRE Report 2007-2008 was distributed to Members.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


Finalisation of the Document - Faith Matters in Harrow - Guidance on Sensitivities that Impact upon Schools

Alison Stowe


A copy of the SACRE Guidance document was circulated along with a briefing note prepared by the Legal and Governance Services Department of Harrow Council.  This explained the law on the National Curriculum which could apply to pupils’ religious needs. In the discussion that followed, Members agreed that further guidance should be sought from faith communities regarding the legal implications of pupils wearing religious jewellery, during physical education classes.


RESOLVED:  That (1) any further amendments to the guidance document be emailed to Alison Stowe by Friday1 May 2009;


(2)  Alison Stowe and Pat Stevens co-ordinate replies and consult further with faith communities;


(3)  guidance on sensitivities should be separated from the annual guidance given by SACRE on authorised absence for pupils to fulfil religious obligations.


Guidance on Authorized Absence for Pupils to fulfil Religious Obligations - 2008-09 & 2009-10

Farzana Aldridge


Members discussed the guidance produced for the 2009?2010 academic year and were asked to provide recommendations on the 2010?2011 guidance.  Some Members felt that some religions could be excluded from community schools if the statement:  “The official borough allowance for authorised absence for religious observance is up to three days in the school year.  This applies to both pupils and staff” would be adopted in the future.  Mrs Samuels highlighted there were at least 8 days of obligation for members of the Jewish community.  It was felt that a more open form of words should be developed.


RESOLVED:  That (1) further guidance be sought from national faith organizations;


(2)  this item be discussed at the next SACRE meeting on 2 June to resolve outstanding matters on the 2010?2011 guidance.


Jewish Way of Life Exhibition - 18 March - 2 April 2009

Gill Ross


Mrs Samuels explained that the Board of Deputies of British Jews had organised an exhibition on the Jewish Way of Life at the Middlesex New Synagogue.  The exhibition which was primarily aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils, would include, inter?active displays, information and worksheets for teachers and schools.  Members of the local Jewish community would act as guides and answer questions.  She confirmed that SACRE would provide transport for school parties to travel to the exhibition.  SACRE members wishing to attend the exhibition on 17 March 2009 were asked to reply to the Board of Deputies to give sufficient notice.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


Report from Schools

BhavitaPandya – Religious Education Advanced Skills Teacher


BhavitaPandya Arepalli (Advanced Skills Teacher for Religious Education) reported on her work conducted in primary and high schools that sought to ensure a smooth transition in religious education between Years 6, 7 and 8.  She explained that further work and planning would be required for the change in the age of transfer to high schools to Year 7 in 2010.  She confirmed that High School In?Service Training (INSET) would concentrate on this aspect during the coming year.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


Young Inter-Faith Projects

Pat Stevens


Dheemal Patel and Ravi Mistry reported that the Student Advisory Board had not met since the last SACRE meeting, but was due to meet on 16 March 2009. 


Pat Stevens advised that a steering group for the Harrow Youth Inter Faith Forum would be established at the next Student Advisory Group meeting.  Members also discussed establishing a working party of SACRE members and Harrow Inter Faith Council to mentor young people as they drafted their constitution and modus operandi for the steering group. 


A Member confirmed that a start-up grant of £5000 had been obtained from Harrow Council for Harrow Youth Inter Faith Forum to make a film entitled, “This is Harrow – the UK’s most religiously diverse borough”.  An offer to provide technical assistance to edit the film by St Dominic’s College, was gratefully received by Members.


SACRE Members were referred back to the SACRE meeting in March 2008, regarding the proposal by Dr Madge of Brunel University, to research the thoughts and attitudes of young people in four boroughs with regard to their personal identity, quality of life in relation to everyday experiences and feelings about the impact of religion on the local community.  SACRE Members concurred that participating in the project would benefit those working with schools, young people and promote community cohesion.  Members were advised that Dr Madge had been successful in attracting funding for the project and was keen to work with SACRE in setting up the questionnaires and interviews. 


RESOLVED:  That (1) the Student Advisory Board meeting held on 16 March 2009 would be reported at the next SACRE meeting on 2 June 2009’


(2)  a working party consisting of Cllr Anjana Patel, Alison Stowe, Farzana Aldridge and Pat Stevens would meet with Dr Madge to take the project forward in Harrow.


Budget for 2008-09 & 2009-10

Pat Stevens


Pat Stevens advised that the end-of-year financial statement for SACRE had not been finalised.  She added that a draft budget statement for the 2008?2009 and a proposed business plan for 2009?2010 would be included in a budget report that would be presented at the next SACRE meeting on 2 June 2009.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


Reprint & Update of SACRE Document "The A-Z of Collective Worship"

Alison Stowe and Pat Stevens


Mrs Stowe reported that the SACRE Document “The A-Z of Collective Worship” would need to be revised and updated.  Her offer to conduct the necessary research for this purpose was accepted by Members.


RESOLVED:  That the comments be noted and the document be updated accordingly.


Handbook for SACRE Members

Pat Stevens


Copies of the Handbook for SACRE members, published the National Association of SACREs (NASACRE) were distributed.  Members were advised that further copies had been ordered and would be distributed at the next SACRE meeting on 2 June 2009.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


Harrow Hate Crime Forum

Pat Stevens


As SACRE representative on the Harrow Hate Crime Forum, Pat Stevens reported on the group’s current activities in monitoring crime “hotspots” in Harrow and setting up road?shows to enhance public awareness and communications.  She explained that an important feature of the Forum’s current work was the promotion of the Heartstone Project, which provided resources for children and young people to express their experiences of racism, religious hatred and bullying in schools.  She commented that the topical and social issues that would be discussed would make a valuable contribution to the community cohesion agenda. 


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


News from the Harrow Inter Faith Council

Mary Hale and Martha Besser


Mary Hale explained that Harrow Inter Faith Council’s 25th Anniversary celebrations had been celebrated with an exhibition at Harrow Museum and Heritage Centre and visits to services and events at various places of worship.  She warmly invited SACRE members to attend the “Faiths in Harmony” celebration to be held at the Zoroastrian Centre on Sunday 29 March 2009 from 11.00 am to 6.00 pm.  The day would comprise of talks on Harrow’s diverse religions in the morning with cultural performances from faith communities during the afternoon.  A reminder leaflet was distributed at the meeting and SACRE congratulated Harrow Inter Faith Council on the significant work they had done to enhance faith relations over 25 years.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


News from Faith Communities


Mrs Samuels invited SACRE members to the Seder celebrations at Moriah Jewish Day School during the week 30 March to 3 April.  Interested members were advised to contact her for an invitation and further details.  She added that Pinner Synagogue would be mounting Holocaust Memorial events on 20 and 21 April 2009.  This would be organised by Gaby Glassman and SACRE members would be welcome to attend.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.



Pat Stevens


A summary of the correspondence received since the last meeting was provided:


·                     QCA non-statutory advice on timings of Agreed Syllabus Reviews 2009-2010 (not applicable to Harrow SACRE);


·                     a Humanist Unit for Schools, kindly supplied by Dr Crow;


·                     an invitation from Mariano Marcigaglia, SACRE representative for the Buddhist Community in Southwark to join a South-East SACRE Faith Representatives Group.  This would be a networking group to share resources and visit faith venues;


·                     Mary Hale had asked by e-mail why Harrow SACRE was not involved in the consultation for the revision of the DCSF Circular 1/94 (Religious Education).  Pat Stevens advised that she would investigate the matter.


RESOLVED:  That the above be noted.


Date of Next Meeting

To note that the next meetings are scheduled be held on:


·                     Tuesday 2 June 2009


·                     Wednesday 16 September 2009


·                     Tuesday 1 December 2009


·                     Tuesday 9 March 2010




RESOLVED:  That the dates for SACRE meetings in the 2009/10 Municipal year be noted:


·                     Tuesday 2 June 2009

·                     Wednesday 16 September 2009

·                     Tuesday 1 December 2009

·                     Tuesday 9 March 2010