Agenda and minutes

Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee - Thursday 22 April 2004 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 & 2 Harrow Civic Centre

Contact: Nick Wale, Committee Administrator  Tel: 020 8424 1323 E-mail:

Note No. Item




Attendance by Reserve Members

To note the attendance at this meeting of any duly appointed Reserve Members.


RESOLVED:  To note the attendance at this meeting of the following duly appointed Reserve Member:-


Ordinary Member


Reserve Member


Councillor Miss Bednell

Councillor Vina Mithani


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest (if any) from Members of the Committee arising from business to be transacted at this meeting.


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no declarations of interests made by Members in relation to the business transacted at this meeting.


Arrangement of Agenda

To consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda should be considered with the press and public excluded on the grounds that it is thought likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that there would be disclosure of confidential information in breach of an obligation of confidence or of exempt information as defined in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.


Members agreed that item 15 of the agenda be considered as the first substantive item of business.  This was to be followed by item 11, after which the original running order would resume.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the above be noted;


(2) in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the following agenda items be admitted late to the agenda by virtue of the special circumstances and grounds for urgency detailed below:-


Agenda item


Special Circumstances/Grounds for Urgency


13.     Update on the Healthy Lifestyles Scheme


15.     The Harrow Parent Partnership Service

The reports were not available at the time the agenda was printed and circulated.  Members were requested to consider these items as a matter of urgency.


(3) all items be considered with the press and public present.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2004, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


The Representative of the Secondary School Parent Governors noted that he was present at the last meeting of the Sub-Committee and had not sent his apologies as was reflected in the minutes.


RESOLVED:  That, subject to the above amendment, the minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2004, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Public Questions

To receive questions (if any) from local residents/organisations under the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 8.


RESOLVED:  To note that no public questions were put at the meeting under the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 8.



To receive petitions (if any) submitted by members of the public/Councillors under the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 9.


RESOLVED:  To note that no petitions were received at the meeting under the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 9.



To receive deputations (if any) under the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 10.


RESOLVED:  To note that no deputations were received at the meeting under the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 10.


References from Council and Other Committees/Panels


RESOLVED: To note that there were no references received from Council and or.other Committees/Panels.



The Harrow Parent Partnership Service

Report of the Director of Learning and Community Development.


The Sub-Committee received a report from the Director of Learning and Community Development.  Members were reminded of the report on the ‘Review of the Distribution of Special Educational Needs (SEN) Statements Mainstream Schools’ in April 2003, in which the Scrutiny Review Group recommended additional support and resources for the Parent Partnership Service (PPS).  Subsequently, Council agreed to additional funding of  £15,000 for 2004/05.  It was noted that this additional funding had been welcome in supporting the work of the PPS.  The Sub-Committee heard that currently the PPS is located within the Family Centre at the Alexandra Avenue site.  In order for the site to be redeveloped over the next 18 months, the PPS would need to be temporarily relocated.


The Chair referred Members to section 10 of the report, which listed the future aims of the PPS.  The Chair felt that the Sub-Committee should monitor the aims to ensure that progress was made in satisfying them.  A Member queried how long it was expected to take before progress could be reported.  It was noted that as the Parent Partnership Co-ordinator was on long-term sickness absence, it would prove difficult to set specific timescales.  Members were also asked to consider that a number of Government initiatives had been introduced to support parents that were likely to have an impact on the service.  It was noted that co-ordination was needed across services in order to avoid duplication and minimise gaps in service provision.  The Sub-Committee agreed that a progress report would be received at the meeting on 12 January 2005.


RESOLVED: That (1) the Sub-Committee receive a progress report at its meeting on 12 January 2005; and


(2) the report of the Director of Learning and Community Development be noted.



Portfolio Holder's response to the Scrutiny Review of Recruitment and Retention of School Governors

Report of the Director of Learning and Community Development.


The Sub-Committee received a report from the Director of Learning and Community Development, which detailed the Portfolio Holder’s response to the Scrutiny Review of Recruitment and Retention of School Governors.  The Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning stressed the important role that governors made to the management of LEA schools and added that they received good support.  It was added that Harrow had achieved a higher level of governors than neighbouring Borough’s and the representation of ethnic minority governors had also been particularly pleasing.  The Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning noted that introducing independent governors had been encouraged.


The Sub-Committee discussed the recommendations and comments by the Portfolio Holder that were outlined in the report.  In relation to Recommendation 1, Members recognised the importance of Governing Bodies adopting flexible arrangements in order to accommodate the needs of full-time workers.  If these needs were accommodated it was agreed that governors with work or other commitments could make a valuable contribution to the Governing Bodies.


The Sub-Committee noted that Recommendation 2 had been implemented through publicity on the Governors newsletter distributed every term.  The Chair further requested that details of the DfES Governors Helpline Service be made available on the Council’s website.


Whilst discussing Recommendation 3 of the report, Members were advised that nominations for speakers to address community groups would be sought through the Chairs of Governing Bodies.  The aim of this initiative was to raise the awareness and knowledge of the role that governors’ played.  It was added that if governors did not participate in the work of the Governing Body, the political party who made the original nomination should be contacted.


With regard to Recommendation 4, the Sub-Committee heard that it was the responsibility of the individual Governing Body as to whether a mentoring scheme is implemented but added that suggestions and guidance should be made over what constitutes good practice.  Officers were due to meet regularly with Governing Bodies and requests would be made to Chairs asking them to mentor incoming Chairs.  It was felt more effective if the incoming Chair was given a named mentor as part of a succession plan.  Members were also informed that the co-opting process remained unchanged.  One option was that if the number of co-optees had reached its maximum, a co-optee, if willing, would be nominated as an LEA governor, which would then make available an extra position for a co-opted member.  A Member expressed concern at the lack of training given to governors in relation to the financial aspects of Governing Bodies.  The Sub-Committee was informed that training had been provided to governors to make them aware of the financial aspects of Governing Bodies.  In order to accommodate as many governors as possible, a three-day evening course was run in addition to a one-day weekend course.  It was reported that the course had been well received by those who attended.  It was added that the course is due to take place again in the autumn.  Members were also  ...  view the full minutes text for item 135.



Report of the People First Portfolio Holders - Key Areas of Responsibility 2004/2007

Report of the Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning and the Portfolio Holder for Social Services (People First Directorate Portfolio Holders).


The Sub-Committee received a report from the Education and Lifelong Learning and Social Services Portfolio Holders.  The Education and Lifelong Learning Portfolio Holder informed Members that the Chairs of the Health and Social Care and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committees had requested the report in order to inform the Sub-Committees’ discussions on their work programmes.


The Chair advised Members that the Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning was not in attendance at the meeting to answer general queries or concerns.  The Portfolio Holder was due to attend the meeting of the Sub-Committee on 21 September 2004, where Members would have the opportunity to raise general concerns.


The Chair noted that only section 6.3 of the report was relevant to the Sub-Committee.  In response to questions about Adult Learning within the Borough, the Director of Learning and Community Development advised Members that the Adult Learning Plan for the forthcoming year was due to be submitted to the LSC shortly.  The plan would outline priority groups, which included Adults who lacked Level 1 & 2 skills and older learners.


The Sub-Committee heard that the North West Online Learning Project, undertaken in partnership with Brent, had proved to be very successful.  Further funding was being negotiated in order to continue work on the scheme.


RESOLVED: That the report from the People First Portfolio Holders be noted.



Work Programme 2004-05 and Annual Report 2003-04

Report of the Executive Director (Organisational Development).


The Sub-Committee received a report from the Executive Director, Organisational Development, which outlined the formulation of the 2004/05 Work Programme.  The Director of Organisational Performance stressed the importance of focusing the 2004/05 Work Programme on key issues of public importance.  It was added that the Strengthening Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee planned to look at Youth Diversionary Activity as part of its future Work Programme.  It was felt that the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee could liaise with the Strengthening Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee over this issue.  The officer added that the Children’s Green paper was about to become legislation.  As a result it was suggested that the Sub-Committee would want to receive a report detailing its implications.


The Sub-Committee was referred to section 6.14 of the report on page 26 of the agenda.  This section listed areas that Members of the Sub-Committee had suggested for inclusion on the 2004/05 Work Programme.  In light of work carried out elsewhere, the Chair felt that a review of the Assessment & Provision Team Service would not be the best use of the Sub-Committees resources.


Phase 3 Delegated Funding for SEN

The Chair added that Phase 3 funding for SEN was another issue that the Sub-Committee might want to consider.  An officer explained to Members that Phase 1 had moved away from holding resources at the centre and had instead delegated resources to schools, a move which was welcomed by the schools.  Phase 2 introduced additional resourcing arrangements.  Phase 3 planned to move away from depending on costed statements to a more formula funded model.  Although there were no statutory requirements for the authority to adopt these changes, they were being implemented by other local authorities and were also encouraged by the Audit Commission.  The statementing process was noted as being bureaucratic, time consuming and not responsive to the needs of children with SEN.  At the Cabinet meeting on 17 February 2004 it was agreed that the Phase 3 proposals should be deferred until early 2005 in order to allow for greater consultation and additional time to make the case for a change from the statementing system.  A Member advised that many parents of children with SEN felt that statements were the only way of gaining value for money.  An officer agreed that this was the perception but not necessarily a fair reflection of the reality.  A letter had been written to Head Teachers, which acknowledged that more time was required in order to explain why the change was taking place and to ease the concerns of anxious parents.  It was added that those children with high level needs would retain statements.


As the issue of Phase 3 delegated funding for SEN was still in the process of being developed, it was thought to be a particularly important area to examine further, rather than reviewing a decision that had already been made.  Therefore this area was identified as an example of where the Sub-Committee could be pro-active rather than reviewing services and decisions retrospectively.  It was also an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 137.


Establishment of a Working Group to examine the Cultural Strategy Action Plan

Report of the Executive Director (People First).


(Note:  This report was submitted to the Sub-Committee for the meeting held on 20 January 2004 and has been included on this agenda for further consideration).


Members were reminded that the Sub-Committee received an update report on the Cultural Strategy at the meeting on 20 January 2004, at which it was decided to form a working group to examine the action plan.  It was suggested that a selected group of Members meet with the Interim Cultural Strategy Manager on a regular basis to discuss the areas that had been labeled as requiring further development.  A Member enquired as to the timeframe for achieving progress and objectives in the development areas and expressed concern that they were opened ended.  The timeframe was deliberately open ended so that Members could determine it.  It was agreed that the working group would meet quarterly and report back to brief the Sub-Committee and raise any outstanding issues at the meeting on 19 April 2005.


RESOLVED: That a working group be established comprising the following Members of the Sub-Committee:


(i)                   Councillor Jean Lammiman

(ii)                 Councillor Mary John

(iii)                Councillor Gate

(iv)                Councillor Ismail

(v)                  Co-opted Member, Mr R Sutcliffe (Observer)


Update on the Healthy Lifestyles Scheme

Report of the Executive Director (People First).


The Sub-Committee received a report from the Executive Director, People First, which provided Members with an update on Healthy Lifestyles in Schools.  Members were referred to page 3 of the supplemental agenda, which detailed progress made on the recommendations made by the Review Group on Healthy Lifestyles in Schools. It was reported that the spring 2004 meeting for primary co-ordinators was well attended and there had been pleasing demand for the PSHE courses and working groups during the 2004 spring term.  It was reported that many primary schools offer water for pupils throughout the day.  Progress was also being made in order to raise the availability of water for pupils in secondary schools during lesson times.


Members were referred to page 4 of the supplemental agenda, which outlined additional information relating to the healthy lifestyles agenda.  Thirty-nine Harrow schools were noted as being involved in the Brent and Harrow Healthy Schools Programme, with more schools expected to become involved in future.  Members also heard that there had been 100% take-up of the National School Fruit Scheme by Harrow’s first and middle schools.  Members were further informed that a successful PSHE Activity Day for Year 9 pupils had been held in March 2004, which aimed to engage pupils on health issues.  The two themes that were chosen by the pupils were Relationships and Crime and the Community.


A Member noted that the Council’s health partners had been impressed with the 100% take up of the National School Fruit Scheme.  The meeting was referred to heading number 7 on page 4 of the supplemental agenda, which updated Members on the progress made on obesity.  It was felt that this was closely linked to the work on heart disease being undertaken by Harrow Primary Care Trust (PCT).  The PCT were due to hold an event on heart disease on 24 May 2004.  The Member was pleased to see that the Council was working with its partners at the PCT and the Northwest London Health Authority.  It was agreed that the LEA bulletins to Headteachers and Governing Bodies should be used to highlight the PCT’s on-line Choosing Health survey and encourage schools’ participation in the initiative as part of the Healthy Lifestyles agenda.  It was also suggested that it be included on a link on the Council’s website and on the weekly bulletin.


RESOLVED: That the update on Healthy Lifestyles in Schools be noted.


Any Other Business


The Chair informed the Sub-Committee that Samantha Johnson, the Committee Administrator who had assisted in the work of the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee since its inception, had left the Council for a position at another organisation.  On behalf of the Sub-Committee, the Chair wished to thank Ms Johnson for all her efforts.  It was further proposed that a letter of thanks be written on behalf of the Sub-Committee.


RESOLVED: That the above be noted.