Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 21 November 2006 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1&2 Harrow Civic Centre

Contact: Daksha Ghelani, Committee Administrator  Tel: 020 8424 1881 E-mail:

No. Item


RECOMMENDATION I - Terms of Reference of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub-Committee


The Committee considered Recommendation 1 of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub?Committee meeting held on 18 October 2006.


Members were of the view that the terms of reference, as amended by the Sub?Committee should be seen as a model for other scrutiny committees to follow, including the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Members indicated that the changes should next be made when all the terms of reference of the scrutiny committees were submitted to Council for approval.


Paragraph (f) of the Sub-Committee’s terms of reference was also amended at the meeting as follows:-  


“(f)        assist the Executive and the Council in the development of the budget and policy framework by analysis of policy issues.”   


Resolved to RECOMMEND:  (to Council)


That the terms of reference of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub?Committee, as now amended and as set out at Appendix 1 to these minutes, be approved.

RECOMMENDATION II - Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme


At its meeting on 10 October 2006, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had agreed its work programme and had also noted the work programmes of the Safer and Stronger Communities and Sustainable Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Sub?Committees.


Members now received a report which set out the final versions of the work programmes of all the scrutiny bodies, including those of the Adult Health and Social Care and Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub?Committees.


The Committee, having noted the work programmes of the Adult Health and Social Care and Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub?Committees, was reminded of the requirements set out under Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules 12.1 and 12.3, and accordingly


Resolved to RECOMMEND:  (to Council)


That the Work Programme of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and its Sub?Committees, as attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes, be noted.  


(See also Minute 76).



Attendance by Reserve Members

To note the attendance at this meeting of any duly appointed Reserve Members.


Reserve Members may attend meetings:-


(i)                 to take the place of an ordinary Member for whom they are a reserve;

(ii)               where the ordinary Member will be absent for the whole of the meeting; and

(iii)             the meeting notes at the start of the meeting at the item ‘Reserves’ that the Reserve Member is or will be attending as a reserve;

(iv)              if a Reserve Member whose intention to attend has been noted arrives after the commencement of the meeting, then that Reserve Member can only act as a Member from the start of the next item of business on the agenda after his/her arrival.


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no Reserve Members in attendance at this meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from:


(a)               all Members of the Committee, Sub Committee, Panel or Forum;

(b)               all other Members present in any part of the room or chamber.


RESOLVED:  To note that the following interests were declared:


(i)                   Agenda Item 14 – Cultural Services Review – Scope

During consideration of this item, Councillor Jean Lammiman declared a personal interest in that she was a Council appointed representative of Arts Culture Harrow (ACH).  She would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


(ii)                 Agenda Item 15 - Business Transformation Partnership – Access Harrow

Councillor B E Gate declared a personal interest due to his professional interest in call centres.  He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


(iii)                Agenda Item 18 – Performance on the Local Area Agreement (LAA)

Councillor Ms Nana Asante, who was not a member of this Committee, declared a personal interest in that she was a member of the Community Cohesion Management Group, which operated under the auspices of the Harrow Strategic Partnership Executive (HSPE), a body that oversaw the LAA.  She would remain in the room whilst the matter was discussed.


Arrangement of Agenda

To consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda should be considered with the press and public excluded on the grounds that it is thought likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that there would be disclosure of confidential information in breach of an obligation of confidence or of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1972 (as amended).


The Chairman stated that item 12 – Call?In Sub-Committee – Reference from the Constitution Review Working Group – would be considered before item 11 – Appointment of Members for the Scrutiny Sub-Committees for the Remainder of the Municipal Year 2006/07.


RESOLVED:  That (1) in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the following agenda items be admitted late to the agenda by virtue of the special circumstances and grounds for urgency detailed below:-


Agenda item


Special Circumstances/Grounds for Urgency


11.               Appointment of Members to the Scrutiny Sub?Committees for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2006/07.


This report was being consulted on at the time of the dispatch of the agenda and was not received in its final form in time to be included on the original agenda.  Members were requested to consider this item, as a matter of urgency, so that the changes in the memberships could be implemented with immediate effect.


14.        Cultural Services Review – Scope – List of Questions

This document contained the questions, which were not available at the time of the circulation of the agenda as the questions were being constructed. Members agreed to consider the questions, which related to an item on the agenda for which a Portfolio Holder had been invited to attend.


(2)  all items be considered with the press and public present.


[Note: During the course of the meeting, the order of business was further varied and the minutes are recorded in the order items on the agenda were considered].



(i)                 That the minutes of the meetings held on 18 July 2006 and 10 October 2006 be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


(ii)               That the minutes of the special meeting held on 14 November 2006 be deferred until printed in the next Council Bound Minute Book.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2006, be taken as read and signed as a correct record;


(2)  the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 10 October 2006, and of the Special meeting held on 14 November 2006, be deferred until printed in the Council Bound Minute Volume.


Public Questions, Petitions and Deputations

To receive questions (if any) from local residents/organisations under the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 8.


RESOLVED:  To note that no public questions were put, or petitions or deputations received at this meeting under the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules 8, 9 and 10 (Part 4F of the Constitution) respectively.


References from Council/Cabinet

(if any).


RESOLVED:  To note that no reports were received.


Terms of Reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

To note the revised terms of reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as agreed by Council on 19 October 2006.


RESOLVED:  That the revised terms of reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as agreed by Council on 19 October 2006, be noted.


Terms of Reference of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub-Committee

To agree the revised terms of reference of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub-Committee.


(See Recommendation I above).


Call-In Sub-Committee - Reference from the Constitution Working Group

Report of the Director of Corporate Governance


[The Chairman of the Constitution Working Group will be attending the meeting for this item.]


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Paul Osborn, Chairman of the Constitution Working Group, to the meeting for this item. 


Councillor Osborn stated that there had been cross?party support for the establishment of a separate Education Call?In Sub?Committee.  A Member suggested that the voting co?opted members of this second Call?In Sub?Committee be informed of the establishment of this new body, together with details of how it would function and decisions could be called in.


Members discussed the attendance of the Portfolio Holders at the Call-In Sub?Committee meetings and their operation.  The Director of Corporate Governance clarified that it was a matter for the Call?In Sub-Committees to invite the Executive decision taker and a representative of those calling?in the decision to provide information at the meeting.  A Member stated that sufficient time should be allowed for the representative of those calling?in the decision to present the case.  In response, the Chairman of the Call?In Sub?Committee stated that sufficient time had been given and that it had been agreed to review the protocols.


It was noted that the Council’s Constitution required any change in Scrutiny Sub?Committees to be reported to Council.


RESOLVED:  That (1) a separate (second) “Education Call?In Sub?Committee”, with a membership of nine Councillors (being seven Conservative and two Labour Members) and the four voting co?opted members be established;


(2)  the establishment of the Education Call-In Sub-Committee be reported to Council, in accordance with Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 4.3;


(3)  the co-opted members also be informed of the establishment of the Sub?Committee.


(See also Minute 65). 


Appointment of Members to the Scrutiny Sub-Committees for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2006/07


RESOLVED:  That (1) the memberships of the Scrutiny Sub-Committees, as appended at Appendix 3 to the minutes, be approved for the remainder of the Municipal Year;


(2)  Councillor Anthony Seymour be appointed Chairman of the Education Call?In Sub?Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year. 


(See also Minute 64).


Corporate Governance Update

Report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy (Business Development)


The Director of Corporate Governance introduced the report, which set out developments since the matter was last reported to the Committee on 18 July 2006.  He highlighted the key achievements and the outstanding workstreams for 2006/07.  It was noted that Harrow would fully adapt the new CIPFA/SOLACE framework when it had published the governance plans for 2007/08.


In response to questions, the Director of Corporate Governance stated that:-


·                     a review of the whistleblowing policy would be conducted by the Business Development Directorate with a view to submitting it to the Standards Committee in December 2006;


·                     the Group Manager, Communications, was leading on the development of a new Communications Strategy which would initially be presented to the Corporate Management Team (CMT) for comment.  The Portfolio Holder for Legal Services and Issues facing Young People stated that the Communications Strategy was subject to budget constraints and that options on how the Strategy could be taken forward were being investigated.  It had been suggested that a Partnership approach might be the best way in taking the Communications Strategy forward;


·                     the grievance policy was subject to further consultation;


·                     the policy on retirement and Human Resources (HR) policies that had age related issues were being reviewed;


·                     the recruitment and selection policy, which was agreed in September 2006, would be rolled out in January 2007;


·                     the disciplinary and harassment policy was at an early stage of review;


·                     the Management Assurance Action Plan was set out at Appendix A to the report and that its implementation timetable was being worked on.


The Director of People, Performance and Policy also responded to questions from Members on aspects of the report.  He acknowledged that there was a need to encourage a positive view of citizenship and stated that this view was being taken forward through community engagement work by empowering people.  Surveys would be conducted to measure how citizenship had evolved.  The Chairman stated that discussions on this matter had taken place at the Member Development Panel and that the notion of democratic engagement was being developed.


A Member stated that the development of the various strategies – Communications and HR strategies – ought to be kept under review by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  It was noted that the January 2007 meeting of the Sub?Committee would focus on the Budget and HR and that the Finance and Business Matters Portfolio Holder had been invited to attend.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the recent developments and good progress made in Corporate Governance be noted;


(2)  exception/information reports be submitted to the Committee;


(3)  the progress in key performance indicators (KPIs) be also reported to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.   


Cultural Services Review - Scope

Report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy (Business Development)


[The Portfolio Holder for Lifelong Learning, Cultural Services and Issues Facing Older People will be attending the meeting for this item.]


The Vice-Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, in her capacity as Chairman of the Cultural Services Review Group, introduced the report and drew attention to the scope and the components of the review, as set out at Appendix 1 of the report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy.


The Director of People, Performance and Policy advised Members as follows:-


·                     there was a need for a review to retain some flexibility in the context of both the Council’s Corporate Plan and the budget, which were relevant to this review;


·                     the outcomes of the customer satisfaction surveys could have an impact on this review at which time the scope might have to be
varied.  The Director identified ‘sport’ as a high risk area in terms of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA).  The Portfolio Holder for Lifelong Learning, Cultural Services and Issues Facing Older People said that although the survey’s outcomes were difficult to predict, the ‘sport’ area could be viewed as highly risky;


The Chairman of the Cultural Services Review Group stated that the preliminary fact finding work of the Group would not impinge on the Council and that the Review Group had agreed to ‘piggy?back’ on the survey findings.


Members indicated that they were pleased with the methodology and noted that the Review Group would seek to co?opt residents’ associations, such as the Rayners Lane Tenants’ Association, which was seen as a good model for others to adopt, sport and art groups and to engage with those that had been involved in the ‘Hear/Say’ Community Engagement Review.


The Chairman stated that the scope of the Review ought to be agreed on the understanding that it was not set in ‘stone’.  She added that Members were aware of the implications of the Council’s Medium Term Budget Strategy (MTBS) on the Review and that the scrutiny committee’s involvement in ‘cultural services’ would be seen positively by the government should it decide to intervene in any of the possible risk area(s) mentioned by the Director of People, Policy and Performance.


The Portfolio Holder for Lifelong Learning, Cultural Services and Issues Facing Older People responded to the following questions as set out below:-


1.                   When will decisions be made regarding the two options for improving the Council’s sports facilities?  Should the existing contract be modified or should a root and branch reconfiguration of assets be the basis of a new contract?


The Portfolio Holder stated that there was a great deal of interest in sporting activities due to the 2012 Olympics.  In Harrow, the Council intended to make the most of the opportunities available.  She stated that two meetings had been held with Leisure Connections (LC), providers of sport and leisure facilities at Hatch End, Roger Bannister and the Leisure Centre, which was now under new leadership and management.  LC had been asked to submit proposals to the Council by the end of November 2006 that would involve the replacement/repositioning of the Leisure Centre and the possibilities of improvements at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.


Olympics 2012

Report of the Director of Planning Services (Urban Living)


An officer introduced the report, which updated Members on Harrow Council’s preparations for the London 2012 Olympics.  She drew Members’ attention to Appendix 2 of the report, which provided a diagram of how the Task Force would be set up.  Members were informed that because of the branding issues, the task force would be known as ‘Championing Harrow’.  The inaugural meeting was held in November and a formal partner launch would take place in February 2007.  She also pointed out that the lead responsibility for the Olympics had now moved to the Director of Lifelong Learning and Cultural Services.


The Portfolio Holder for Lifelong Learning, Cultural Services and Issues Facing Older People stated that the Council would look to develop plans for the Paralympic Games as well as the Olympic Games.  She pointed out that those people who intended to volunteer to help with the Games had to show that they had been local volunteers.  Links were to be made with the Harrow School which had excellent sporting facilities.


Members commented that:-


·                     representations ought to be made through the Association of London Government and local MPs about the embargo on the use of the brand word ‘Olympics’ which could impact on the Council’s promotion of the Games;


·                     transport facilities were an issue, particularly in Stanmore, which already suffered from events at Wembley stadium;


·                     the implications of the project on the Council’s budget.


In response, the Portfolio Holder and the officer stated that:-


·                     scrutiny representation on Championing Harrow taskforce would be considered;


·                     the use of a strapline alongside ‘Championing Harrow’ to explain the link to Harrow’s preparations for the Olympics and the excitement as the Games drew closer would help promote involvement in local activities;


·                     no budget had currently been set aside for this area of work but a report on this issue would be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee;


·                     discussions had taken place with Leisure Connections on possible changes to sports and leisure facilities, including an Olympic size swimming pool.  The Chairman requested a report back on this matter at a future meeting.


The Chairman thanked the Portfolio Holder for her contributions.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the report be noted;


(2)  the reports mentioned in the preamble above be submitted to future meetings of the Committee;


(3)  Scrutiny determine how it would like to receive information on the development of the taskforce.  


Business Transformation Partnership - Access Harrow

Report of the Director of Business Transformation (Business Development)


[The Portfolio Holder for Legal Services and Issues Facing Young People will be attending the meeting for this item.]


The Director of Business Transformation introduced the report, which addressed the issues raised in relation to Access Harrow at a previous meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  She addressed the following issues and responded to questions from Members:-


·                     the recycling campaign had led to an unprecedented demand on Access Harrow and telephone calls from members of the public had been diverted to the Capita Call Centre in Coventry.  As a result, it had been impossible to bed-in the service provided by Access Harrow.  The Director had listened to a random number of calls and had been satisfied with the manner in which they had been answered by the Call Centre in Coventry.  However, lessons had been learnt regarding the implementation of Council-wide campaigns which would be applied to future projects;


·                     the responses to a survey on Access Harrow carried out in September 2006 had been positive and visitors had been satisfied with the service provided.  However, improvements were necessary and various options were being considered within the financial constraints of the Council. Initially, the existing structure would be reviewed.  Two further options – using volunteers from Directorates or a pool of people from a local recruitment agency at a rate favourable to the Council – would be considered to provide support to Access Harrow at busy times.  These options would allow the Council to have a direct control over those providing the support to ensure accountability.


The Director invited Members to visit the premises to see how Access Harrow operated.  She stated that it was important to remember that the move to Access Harrow had not generated a downward spiral in the service provided but that data was available for the first time, which allowed the Council to compare the service provided and to improve it.


The Portfolio Holder for Legal Services and Issues Facing Young People, speaking in his capacity as support Member on Access Harrow, stated that the performance of Harrow’s One Stop Shop and the Contact Centre ought to be at a level expected by local residents.  The Portfolio Holder paid tribute to the staff who he felt had done a remarkable job in dealing with customers and indicated that he was pleased with the overall performance of Access Harrow.  He added that he was looking to improve the Council’s website, which was currently sub?optimal.  The ‘refresh’ of the website might enable ‘channel migration’, which would help reduce the number of telephone calls to Access Harrow.  In addition, the revision of the options available on the telephone ‘menu’, together with the introduction of ‘spikes’ to deal with high levels of demand on certain days, for example Mondays, might also assist in reducing the numbers of calls.  However, improvements to the website were essential before residents would be encouraged to communicate with the Council in different modes, such as emails.  Members were informed that the practicalities of returning residents’ telephone calls would be looked at.


In response to additional questions from Members, the Director stated that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69.


Fair Trade

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Chairman reported that the Executive Director (Urban Living) offered apologies for not submitting the report on Fair Trade.


RESOLVED:  That a report on Fair Trade be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee. 


MORI Quality of Life Survey 2006

Report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy (Business Development)


An officer introduced the report, which set out the findings of the 2006 Quality of Life Survey undertaken for the Harrow Strategic Partnership by MORI.  The full survey was available on the Council’s website.  It was noted that the data would be entered into the business warehouse component of the Council’s Management Information System (MIS) soon.


The officer responded to questions from Members and their suggestions on improving response rates on surveys.  He undertook to discuss the implications of changing survey methods with MORI and mentioned that the Community Cohesion Management Group had also expressed an interest in changing the terminology used in surveys.  The officer undertook to report back on the outcome of his discussions with MORI.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the conclusions of the MORI Quality of Life survey be noted;


(2)  the use of the accumulating Quality of Life evidence to support the Committee’s work programme and as background support, where appropriate, be continued;


(3)  consideration be given to how best the results could be utilised by the Council and its Partners;


(4)  a report on the outcome of the negotiations with MORI, as reported in the preamble above, be submitted to March/April 2007 meeting of the Committee.


Performance on the Local Area Agreement

Report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy (Business Development)


The Committee considered a report of the Director of People, Policy and Performance, which provided information on the performance to date of the Local Area Agreement (LAA) targets and the Harrow Strategic Partnership (HSP) generally.  An officer stated that the LAA had helped strengthen the HSP and he responded to questions from Members as follows:-


·                     the indicator ‘adults who feel able to influence decisions of public bodies’ would be renegotiated at the ‘refresh’ stage of the LAA;


·                     the Scrutiny Sub-Committees would be provided with the data relevant to their Committee;


·                     reports on performance would be submitted.  


RESOLVED:  That (1) the submission made by the Harrow Strategic Partnership to the Government Office for London (GOL) constituting a six month review of the Local Area Agreement be noted;


(2)  a further report on the performance of the LAA be submitted in six months or soon thereafter;


(3)  data relevant to each of the scrutiny Sub-Committees be forwarded to Members of those Committees. 


(See also Minute 57(iii)).


Review of Procurement – Planning Information

Report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy (Business Development)


The Committee received a report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy, which set out the scoping and planning systems on the Council’s  Procurement Transformation Project.


An officer stated that the report requested that Members identifed their preferred option and approval of the membership of the project team.


A Member expressed a general concern about the transparency of the review groups set up by Overview and Scrutiny Committee, including this one should Option 2 be agreed.  She was of the view that a prescoping of Option 3 was necessary.  Some Members did however welcome Option 2 and were of the view that Option 3 would lead to unnecessary duplication of work being carried out elsewhere.


The Chairman indicated that Option 2 appeared to be preferred.  She suggested that the project team consider appointing lay experts on this review group and retain flexibility in its working.  She expressed ‘open’ reporting lines.  It was noted that the project team would consider the following areas:-


·                     local procurement/local trade/fair trade;

·                     empowerment;

·                     local economy/strategic alliances.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the information on the Council’s Procurement Transformation Project, being carried out as part of the Business Transformation Project programme, be noted;


(2)  the aims for the Scrutiny review of procurement, as outlined in the officer report, be agreed;


(3)  the preferred option for a review of this Project was Option 2;


(4)  the following Members participate in the review:-


·                     Councillor Richard Romain (Chairman of the Review Group)

·                     Councillor Jeremy Zeid

·                     Councillor Mitzi Green

·                     Councillor Paul Scott (subject to his agreement)

·                     (a Labour Nominee).


Improvement Approaches in Local Government

Report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy (Business Development)


The Director of People, Performance and Policy introduced the report, which updated Members on the debate on the approach to improvement in Local Government prompted by the recent publication of the Local Government White Paper, the Lyons Review and the Comprehensive Spending Review.


The Director drew Members’ attention to the landscape of improvement diagram set out in the report and the changes driven by customers.  He emphasised the change driven by local authorities in which scrutiny continued to play a major role.


Members were informed of the essence of the Local Government White Paper and highlighted its key aspects as follows:-


·                     the White Paper would strengthen Partnerships;


·                     the Local Area Agreement (LAA) would have a statutory requirement rather than a voluntary one;


·                     three options on leadership of local authorities would be available, with the Leader/Mayor serving a full 4?year term;


·                     the powers of scrutiny would be strengthened, which would allow scrutiny to call on other public service agencies to account for their actions;


·                     London Boroughs would have the powers to create Parish Councils;


·                     there would be a drive in efficiency and an emphasis on Local Performance Indicators (PIs).


A Member suggested improvements to the presentation of the landscape of improvement diagram, which would reflect the drivers of change realistically.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the report be noted and a further report on the Local Government White Paper be submitted to the Committee;


(2)  the implications for Scrutiny be noted.


Evidence for Accountability Project

Report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy (Business Development)


Members received a report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy, which outlined the invitation from Centre for Evidence Board Policy and Practice, King’s College London for scrutiny in Harrow to participate in the Evidence for Accountability Project.


An officer introduced the report and advised of the other organisations invited to participate in the Project.  It was noted that the researchers proposed to undertake the project by observing three of the reviews that Scrutiny Sub?Committees had committed to undertake during 2007.  She explained that the researchers might interview Members serving on the reviews and examine how evidence was gathered, interpreted and how conclusions were arrived at.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the recommendations of the Scrutiny Chairmen and Vice?Chairmen to participate in the Evidence for Accountability Project be endorsed;


(2)  the following reviews be included in the Project:-


·                     Cultural Services Programme

-         Overview and Scrutiny Committee


·                     14-19 Strategy Challenge Panel

-         Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub?Committee


·                     Energy Use – Light Touch Review

-         Sustainable Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Sub?Committee.


Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme

Report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy (Business Development)


Further to Recommendation II, it was


RESOLVED:  That the Work Programme for the Adult Health and Social Care and Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub-Committees be noted.


Any Other Business

Which the Chairman has decided is urgent and cannot otherwise be dealt with.


Urgent Business – CPA/JAR Inspections


The Chairman stated that a paper prepared by herself and the scrutiny unit on Comprehensive Performance Assessment/Joint Area Review inspections would be circulated to Members of Scrutiny, setting scrutiny into the overall context to assist them in the interviews.


Extension and Termination of the Meeting


In accordance with the provisions of Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule 6.7(ii)(b), it was


RESOLVED:  (1)  At 10.00 pm to continue until 10.15 pm;


(2)  at 10.15 pm to continue until 10.30 pm;


(3)  at 10.30 pm to continue until 10.35 pm.

Appendix 1- Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub-Committee Terms of Reference

Appendix 2 - Scrutiny Work Programme

Appendix 3 - O&S memberships Nov 06