Agenda and minutes

Licensing Panel - Monday 1 November 2004 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1&2 Harrow Civic Centre

Contact: Michelle Fernandes, Committee Administrator  Tel: 020 8424 1542 E-mail:

Note No. Item




Attendance by Reserve Members

To note the attendance at this meeting of any duly appointed Reserve Members.


Reserve Members may attend meetings:-


(i)                 to take the place of an ordinary Member for whom they are a reserve;

(ii)               where the ordinary Member will be absent for the whole of the meeting; and

(iii)             after notifying the Chair at the start of the meeting.


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no Reserve Members in attendance at this meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members present.


RESOLVED: To note that the following interest was declared:


Agenda Item

Nature of Interest

8 – Application For an Annual Variation To A Public Entertainments Licence – VUE (Previously Warner Village) Cinema, St Georges Centre, Harrow.

Councillor Knowles declared a non-prejudicial interest arising from the fact that he has previously visited the Vue Cinema.


Arrangement of Agenda

To consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda should be considered with the press and public excluded on the grounds that it is thought likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that there would be disclosure of confidential information in breach of an obligation of confidence or of exempt information as defined in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.


RESOLVED:  That all items be considered with the press and public present.



That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2004, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2004, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Public Questions

To receive questions (if any) from local residents or organisations under the provisions of Committee Procedure Rule 18 (Part 4B of the Constitution).


RESOLVED:  To note that no public questions were received at the meeting under the provisions of Committee Procedure Rule 18.



To receive petitions (if any) submitted by members of the public/Councillors under the provisions of Committee Procedure Rule 15 (Part 4B of the Constitution).


RESOLVED:  To note that no petitions were received at the meeting under the provisions of Committee Procedure Rule 15.



To receive deputations (if any) under the provisions of Committee Procedure Rule 16 (Part 4B of the Constitution).


RESOLVED:  To note that no deputations were received at the meeting under the provisions of Committee Procedure Rule 16.



Application For an Annual Variation To A Public Entertainments Licence - Vue (Previously Warner Village) Cinema, St Georges Centre, Harrow pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Report of the Chief Environmental Health Officer.

Additional documents:


The Panel received a report of the Chief Environmental Health Officer which detailed an application for an annual variation to a public entertainments licence for Vue (previously Warner Village) Cinema.


Vue Cinema was located in the St. Georges Centre and had a capacity for up to 1,887 persons.


Mr Dosanjh, Operations Director and Mr Dave, General Manager of Vue Cinema stated on behalf of the applicant that there were several advantages to be gained from granting the variation to the current licence. In relation to the needs of customers, Members were informed that firstly, there was a demand from students and shift-workers for late screenings of films and secondly, an extension would mean the ability to show a film at the same time as it was premiered in the United States. Benefits to the company included brand consistency and the ability to plan ahead. In relation to the latter, it was stated that this was important as ‘Movie Houses’ often only notified cinemas 20-25 days before releasing a film.


The Panel was informed that adverse effects of the variation to the licence would be minimal. Screenings of films were already staggered in order to avoid large numbers of patrons arriving at/leaving the venue at the same time. In addition, the late licence would only be used for screening high profile films, therefore it was unlikely that there would frequently be large numbers of people in the building and the surrounding area in the early hours of the morning.


In the discussion that followed, Members sought clarification on a number of issues. Responding to a query regarding the company’s policy on patrons leaving the venue, it was advised that the cinema displayed notices asking patrons to ‘Drive Carefully’ at the end of each screening and staff members endeavoured to escort patrons off the premises.


There were two objectors to the application present at the meeting. The first objector, Mrs McNair, a resident of Headstone Road, Harrow, raised concerns about the potential noise pollution created by late night screenings. She had been unaware, however, that the late licence would only be used to screen a limited number of films throughout the year. Her fears were largely abated once she was reassured that the cinema would not be open in the early hours of the morning throughout the week.


Sergeant Davis, who represented the Metropolitan Police, had also objected to the licence application. He informed the Panel that if the variation to the current licence was granted, certain conditions regarding security arrangements should be included. In response, a Member suggested that a restriction on the number of occasions on which the late licence could be used be a condition of the licence.


RESOLVED: That the variation to the public entertainments licence for Vue Cinema, St. Georges Centre, Harrow, be granted with the following conditions attached:-




1)       The maximum number of occasions on which the licence can be extended to 3am will not exceed 40 occasions per year.


2)       14 days prior  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.