Agenda and minutes

Wealdstone Regeneration Advisory Panel - Tuesday 15 November 2005 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber Harrow Civic Centre

Contact: Kate Boulter, Committee Administrator  Tel: 020 8424 1269 E-mail:

Note No. Item


RECOMMENDATION 1 - Key Worker Housing in Wealdstone


Officers presented an update report on Key Worker Housing in Wealdstone and advised the Panel that, in response to the request at the last meeting, information on the incomes of key workers who applied for housing had been included in the report.


An Advisor expressed the view that, based on the information provided, it appeared that key workers to whom the properties were aimed would not be able to afford to buy a house in the Borough.  Officers responded that, if the Council were to reduce the income required by applicants to buy a property, greater subsidy would be needed to compensate for the shortfall.  An alternative option to buying would be for key workers to consider rented accommodation.


The Panel noted that this issue had arisen at previous meetings, and reiterated the importance of attracting key workers to Harrow.


Resolved to RECOMMEND (to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Development and Housing):


That, in view of the concerns expressed by the Panel regarding the affordability of Key Worker Housing, officers be requested to investigate the issue, in particular, whether it would be possible to reduce the income required by applicants to buy a property.



Attendance by Reserve Members

To note the attendance at this meeting of any duly appointed Reserve Members.


Reserve Members may attend meetings:-


(i)                 to take the place of an ordinary Member for whom they are a reserve;

(ii)               where the ordinary Member will be absent for the whole of the meeting; and

(iii)             the meeting notes at the start of the meeting at the item ‘Reserves’ that the Reserve Member is or will be attending as a reserve;

(iv)              if a Reserve Member whose intention to attend has been noted arrives after the commencement of the meeting, then that Reserve Member can only act as a Member from the start of the next item of business on the agenda after his/her arrival.


RESOLVED:  To note the attendance at this meeting of the following duly appointed Reserve Member:-


Ordinary Member


Reserve Member


Councillor Vina Mithani

Councillor John Nickolay


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members present.


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no declarations of interests made by Members in relation to the business transacted at this meeting.


Arrangement of Agenda

To consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda should be considered with the press and public excluded on the grounds that it is thought likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that there would be disclosure of confidential information in breach of an obligation of confidence or of exempt information as defined in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.


RESOLVED:  That (1) in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the following agenda items be admitted late to the agenda by virtue of the special circumstances and grounds for urgency detailed below:-


Agenda item


Special Circumstances/Grounds for Urgency


10.     Byron Park Recreation Ground

The report had not been available at the time the agenda was printed and circulated.  Members were asked to consider the item, as a matter of urgency.


11.     Neighbourhood Renewal

The report had required consideration by Cabinet at its meeting on 10 November 2005 before being presented to the Panel.


(2)  all items be considered with the press and public present.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 75 KB

That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2005, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2005, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Public Questions, Petitions and Deputations

To receive questions (if any) from local residents or organisations under the provisions of Advisory Panel and Consultative Forum Procedure Rule 15 (Part 4E of the Constitution).


RESOLVED:  To note that no public questions were put, or petitions or deputations received at this meeting under the provisions of Advisory Panel and Consultative Forum Procedure Rules 15, 13 and 14 (Part 4E of the Constitution) respectively.


Wealdstone Vitality Study

Presentation from consultants and workshop session.


The Panel received a presentation from Bone Wells Associates, the consultants appointed to undertake a vitality analysis of Wealdstone Town Centre.  The presentation provided a brief recap of the phases of work that had been undertaken and proposals for developing the town centre, including options for new traffic layouts.  The consultants emphasised that further evaluation work would be carried out and that the proposals contained within the presentation were not final or fixed.


Following the presentation, Members of, and Advisors to, the Panel asked questions of the consultants, which included the following issues:


·                     In response to a question from a Member, consultants advised that research had indicated that pedestrianisation increased turnover.  However, it was noted that the pedestrianised area of Wealdstone was small and so might not be comparable with examples such as Norwich and York.


·                     An Advisor expressed her disappointment with the proposals suggested by the consultants as she had hoped that they would put forward more innovative solutions for the town centre.  In response, the consultants highlighted that they were the first to suggest that Wealdstone create a sub-regional banqueting facility.


·                     An Advisor expressed concern that not many trades people appeared to have been consulted during the vitality study.  The consultants responded that it had been their view that sufficient consultation had been undertaken and advised that there would be budget implications if further consultation with trades people was required.


Following questions, the Panel split into three groups, each facilitated by one of the representatives from Bone Wells Associates and another from Urban Living.  The groups were asked to discuss the consultants’ proposals for Wealdstone and make further suggestions for improving the town centre.


RESOLVED:  That (1) officers collate the ideas arising from the three group sessions and circulate the suggestions to Members of, and Advisors to, the Panel;


(2)  Bone Wells Associates’ final report be considered at the next meeting of the Panel.


Byron Park Recreation Ground pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Interim report on the Byron Rec consultation, including verbal update on swimming pool.


The Director of Strategic Planning introduced a report which informed the Panel of the outcomes of the public consultation regarding proposals to regenerate Byron Park.  He highlighted the fact that, in the feedback received, some consultees had expressed concerns that the consultation had not been widely advertised.  In view of this, it was proposed that a newsletter be prepared and distributed widely to the community giving details of the responses received and setting out the process by which the project would be taken forward.  The Chair suggested that an article in Harrow People would also help to publicise the consultation.


An Advisor expressed concern at the lack of detail provided regarding the proposed housing for the site.  He stated that it was also his understanding that some of the land was consecrated ground, and asked whether investigations had been carried out to identify whether there were any covenants that would prohibit development.  The Director of Strategic Planning responded that these issues would be addressed by officers.


A Member emphasised that, in his view, any development of the recreation ground should not prevent people from participating in spontaneous activity such as football or kite flying.


The Chair reported that on 8 November 2005 representatives from the Harrow and Wealdstone Swimming Club had met with the relevant Portfolio Holders to discuss the proposals for a swimming pool on the site.  The meeting had received a presentation on the proposals and had discussed possible constraints including planning issues such as the close proximity of residential housing and the leisure centre.  As a result of the meeting, the Swimming Club was considering the potential of other locations as well as this site.


RESOLVED:  To note (1) the above;


(2)  the Panel’s support of the officers’ proposal to distribute a newsletter.


Neighbourhood Renewal - Wealdstone Pilot pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Oral report back from Cabinet.


The Director of Strategic Planning introduced a joint report of the Director of Strategic Planning and the Acting Executive Director (Urban Living) which had been considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 10 November 2005.


The Director of Strategic Planning advised that the recommendations for an outline transitional plan to help establish a Neighbourhood Renewal Pilot project in Wealdstone had been unanimously approved by Cabinet.  The Director of Strategic Planning drew the Panel’s attention to the timetable on page 10 of the supplemental agenda.  In particular, the Panel was asked to note that the Wealdstone Regeneration Advisory Panel would eventually be subsumed into the Wealdstone Neighbourhood Renewal Forum.  The membership of the Forum would include a wider participation than the current Panel, with a particular emphasis on representation from the community.  Organisations currently represented on the Panel would be offered places on the Forum.


RESOLVED:  That the position be noted.



Update on Key Worker Housing in Wealdstone pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Report of the Development Manager (Urban Living).


See Recommendation 1.


Wealdstone Active Community

Oral update from the Wealdstone Active Community (WAC) advisers to the Panel.


A representative of Wealdstone Active Community (WAC) updated the Panel on recent activities as follows:


·                     A ‘Living History’ event had taken place on 8 October 2005 and had been successful and a further event was being planned for January 2006.


·                     WAC was planning to deliver welcome leaflets to new occupiers of the Key Worker Housing.


·                     ‘Children in Need’ collection boxes had been placed in retail and other outlets in Wealdstone.


RESOLVED:  That the above be noted.


Update on Policing in Wealdstone

Oral update from the Police advisers to the Panel.


A representative of the Metropolitan Police updated the Panel on recent activities as follows:


·                     Around the Halloween/Guy Fawkes Night period, test purchases for fireworks using underage people had produced a negative result.


·                     Criminal damage caused by graffiti in the High Street was being investigated.


·                     A surgery held by Police in November 2005 had been well-attended and feedback had indicated that the Dispersal Order operated in the area during the summer had been popular with the public.  As a result of this, there were plans to try to repeat the scheme in the future.


RESOLVED:  That the above be noted.


Any Other Business


Ellen Webb Drive/Headstone Drive/Cecil Way

Officers provided an update on events that had taken place since the Panel’s meeting on 20 September 2005.


The Panel’s reference to the Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel (TARSAP) proposing that a safety audit be carried out to ascertain the feasibility of removing the right turn restriction had been considered by TARSAP at its meeting on 21 September 2005.  TARSAP had agreed to the Panel’s request, and the Council’s term consultant for traffic management work had been commissioned to carry out the audit.  Site observations had been carried out in the week commencing 7 November 2005, and the report was expected by 18 November 2005.  It was expected that the report would recommend that the restriction be removed on an experimental basis and that surveys be carried out to monitor driver behaviour and any potential conflicts.  This would assist in determining whether it was safe to implement the change permanently.


Date of Next Meeting

To agree the date of the next meeting.


RESOLVED:  That the next meeting be held in January 2006, on a date to be agreed.