Agenda and minutes

Wealdstone Regeneration Advisory Panel - Thursday 2 October 2003 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 & 2, Harrow Civic Centre

Contact: Rebecca Arnold, Committee Administrator  Tel: 020 8424 1269 E-mail:

Note No. Item


Attendance by Reserve Members

To note the attendance at this meeting of any duly appointed Reserve Members.


RESOLVED:  To note the attendance at this meeting of the following duly appointed Reserve Member:-


Ordinary Member


Reserve Member

Councillor Vina Mithani

Councillor John Nickolay


[Note: Apologies for absence, as indicated above, were also noted].


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interest (if any) from Members of the Panel arising from business to be transacted at this meeting.


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no declarations of personal or prejudicial interests made by Members of the Panel arising from the business transacted at this meeting.


Arrangement of Agenda

To consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda should be considered with the press and public excluded on the grounds that it is thought likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that there would be disclosure of confidential information in breach of an obligation of confidence or of exempt information as defined in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.


RESOLVED:  That all items be considered with the press and public present.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 27 KB

That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2003, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED:  That, having been circulated, the Chair be given the authority to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2003 as a correct record when printed in the next Council Bound Minute Volume, subject to the amendment outlined below:


Revise Resolution 1 of Minute 86 to read:


“That the following be appointed as advisers to the Panel for the 2003/2004 Municipal Year:


Dr O Amele – Vice Chair, Wealdstone Traders’ Association

Tony Arens - Heriot Catering

Mr Jeff Evans – Chair, Wealdstone Traders Association

Mrs Susan Hall – Enhance

Mrs Brenda Harvey - Wealdstone Active Community

Mrs June Skidmore – Wealdstone Active Community

Anthony Wood  - Harrow Public Transport Users’ Association”.



Appointment of Advisers to the Panel for the 2003/2004 Municipal Year pdf icon PDF 9 KB

Report of the Borough Solicitor.


Further to the report received by the Panel at its meeting of 21 July 2003, the Panel received a report of the Borough Solicitor which advised that, in accordance with the Panel’s request, further correspondence had been sent to Ms D Ahmad of Brent and Harrow Chamber of Commerce and Mr Mick Garratt of Kodak to request confirmation of whether they wished to continue as advisers to the Panel for this Municipal Year. It was reported that responses had been received from both. Mr Garratt had confirmed that he wished to continue as an adviser and the North West London Chamber of Commerce had nominated Rudi Page as their new representative, in place of Ms Ahmad.


RESOLVED: That in accordance with Advisory Panel and Consultative Forum Procedure Rule 3, the following be appointed as advisers to the Panel for the remainder of the 2003/2004 Municipal Year:


Mr Mick Garratt – Kodak

Mr Rudi Page – North West London Chamber


Public Questions, Petitions and Deputations

To receive public questions, petitions or deputations (if any) under the provisions of Advisory Panel Procedure Rules 15, 13 and 14 (Part 4E of the Constitution) respectively.


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no public questions, petitions or deputations submitted to this meeting under the provisions of Advisory Panel and Consultative Forum Procedure Rules 15, 13 and 14 (Part 4E of the Constitution) respectively.


References from Council and Other Committees/Panels

To receive any references from Council and/or other Committees or Panels.


RESOLVED: To note that there were no references from Council or other Committees or Panels to be received at this meeting.


New Harrow Project

Oral presentation by Andrew Trehern, Area Director (Urban Living).


The Panel received an oral presentation from the Area Director (Urban Living) regarding the New Harrow Project. The Area Director explained that, partly in response to the Government’s “Liveability Agenda”, which aimed to strengthen local communities, make streets safer, cleaner and better maintained and to provide high quality spaces, the Council had embarked on the New Harrow Project, which involved reforming the way in which services were delivered in the Borough.


The Borough was to be divided into self-contained areas, each with its own dedicated management and operational teams. These teams would be responsible for all ‘liveability’ services in their area ie community and environmental safety services, such as environment and highways enforcement, crime reduction, environmental health and street wardens, and public realm maintenance services, such as refuse collection, street cleansing and grounds maintenance.


This area based delivery model would allow services to be responsive to the specific needs of each area and allow teams to develop in-depth local knowledge of the area in which they worked. The management processes for the ‘liveability’ service areas would be ‘joined up’ resulting in greater efficiency and a more cohesive approach to providing solutions to the root causes of problems. There would also be a dedicated and single contact point for residents and businesses to contact the Council about services in their area, thus simplifying the process of contacting the Council.


It was explained that the Project had initially been piloted in South Harrow with resounding success and very positive public feedback, and it had therefore now been agreed to roll out the project to a second area to be called ‘Central Harrow’, which would consist of Greenhill, Marlborough and Wealdstone Wards. As this included both Wealdstone and Harrow Town Centres it was recognised that this second phase would prove challenging.


The ‘Central Harrow’ phase had been launched the previous day and the initial stages would involve the deep cleaning of both town centres, which was expected to be completed by the end of December. High usage areas would then settle into a pattern of cleaning and maintenance several times daily. Work would begin on residential areas in December/January and would settle into a pattern of a fortnightly servicing consisting of thorough cleansing, grass cutting, tree pruning, sign repairs, graffiti removal and other similar maintenance. It was noted that the team would aim to resolve ‘hard maintenance’ defects such as potholes and footway obstructions within 24 hours. Harrow recreation ground, which was also included in the ‘Central Harrow’ area, would also be inspected fortnightly.


In discussing the particular challenges which improving the street scene in the town centres posed, the Area Director expressed his concern that local businesses manage their waste in an effective way and stressed his intention to deal robustly with those who were not meeting their responsibilities. He acknowledged that service roads often attracted fly-tipping and commercial waste, and explained that, in such privately owned areas which the Council was not responsible for, they had previously had success in combating  ...  view the full minutes text for item 105.



Wealdstone Estate Agents Survey pdf icon PDF 9 KB

Report of the Director of Professional Services, Urban Living.


The Panel received a report of the Director of Professional Services, Urban Living regarding a survey of Wealdstone estate agents which had, further to previous discussions of the Panel, sought their views on the possibility of Wealdstone being renamed Wealdstone Village. It was noted that formally renaming the area was a complex issue and would be likely to be expensive, but it was felt that the desired effect could be achieved by informally encouraging local estate agents to adopt the usage and thereby introduce it into the local terminology.


However, of the estate agents consulted, 4 had been in favour, 2 had not been in favour and 5 had not responded.


During the discussion which followed, there was some support for the initiative but some Members and advisers indicated that they were not in favour on the basis that the name did not ‘fit’ Wealdstone and that it was not historically a village. An adviser pointed out that such initiatives were usually driven by commercial interest and since there had been little it would be unlikely to be successful. Following further debate it was agreed to consult local businesses on the proposition.


RESOLVED: That local businesses be consulted on the proposal to rename an area of Wealdstone ‘Wealdstone Village’ and the Panel be advised of the outcome.


Street Warden Scheme

Oral Update from Dave Corby, the Park Facilities Manager.


The Park Facilities Manager provided an oral update on the operation of the Street Warden Scheme in Wealdstone, which it was advised had now been in operation for over a year. He advised that the scheme had recently undergone its annual review at which it had exceeded its government targets. Toby Harris, Chair of the Metropolitan Police Association and local GLA representative, had recently visited to see the scheme in operation, it was noted, and had praised the scheme, particularly for its role in decreasing anti-social behaviour. The Park Facilities Manager pointed out that, since the advent of the scheme, there had been a fall of 50% in some areas of crime and also significant success in reducing the fear of crime and restoring community confidence. Members and Advisers praised officers’ and warden’s hard work and the scheme’s achievements, and the following issues, inter alia, were raised during further discussion:


·         Scheme Development Targets

It was noted that, following the review, four development targets had been set:

1) To increase patrols around Lorne Road and Montrose Road to combat anti-social behaviour in this area.

2) To monitor Herga Road and Masons Avenue for any anti-social behaviour

3) To support the Traders’ Association in increasing its membership so they could become a more vibrant force in Wealdstone

4) To collaborate and integrate with the New Harrow Project.

It was also noted that the opportunity to apply for an additional year’s government funding had arisen and the Authority had accordingly submitted an application.


·         Circulation of CCTV pictures to Wardens

An adviser to the Panel reported that, following a recent theft from his business premises, good quality CCTV pictures of the faces of the perpetrators had been circulated to police stations to try and identify the men, but with no success. He queried whether they could also be circulated to Wardens in the hope that they might recognise them. The Park Facilities Manager agreed to liaise with the Police to discuss the matter.


·         Anti-social behaviour in Wealdstone Town Centre

During discussion it emerged that many traders were experiencing problems with individuals refusing to pay for goods, repeat shoplifting, abusive and intimidating behaviour and other anti-social behaviour. The Park Facilities Manager and the Area Director (Urban Living) emphasised the importance of traders reporting every incident to the Police due to the fact that Police deployment was managed on the basis of incident information. Therefore, only by reporting incidents and ensuring that statistics reflected the situation would Police support be directed to Wealdstone town centre. They also urged traders to forward any evidence of anti-social behaviour to the Police to allow them, in co-operation with the Local Authority, to obtain anti-social behaviour orders against persistent offenders. It was stressed that evidence could be handed in semi-anonymously. It was suggested that when traders experienced problems they could call the call centre to ask the wardens to be deployed, if available, and it was also noted that Harrow was due to receive their first batch of Police Community  ...  view the full minutes text for item 107.


Wealdstone Active Community

Oral Update from the WAC adviser to the Panel on the activities of WAC.


A representative of Wealdstone Active Community (WAC) updated the Panel on future activities to be organised by WAC.


It was advised that a concert was to be held on 11 October at Eastman Hall, in association with the Phoenix Concert Band, and an event in association with Wealdstone Football Club was to be held at the Prince Edward Playing Fields later in the month, both to raise money for Children in Need.


It was also noted that the subject matter for the mural to be painted on the metal fence adjacent to the train station had been agreed. The mural would be themed around transport and would depict scenes of local historical importance. It was added that WAC were also keen for the mural to reflect the ethnic diversity of Harrow and to incorporate a ‘Welcome to Wealdstone’ message. It was advised that an artist’s brief had been drawn up and artists would be approached shortly. It was hoped to involve young offenders, local graffiti artists and teenagers in the project to promote ‘ownership’ of the mural.


RESOLVED: That the above update be noted.


Any Other Business

(which the Chair has decided is urgent and cannot otherwise be dealt with).


RESOLVED: That the following be noted/agreed:


·         Policy regarding parking permits for businesses

It was noted that the Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel (TARSAP) had, at its last meeting, had a lengthy discussion on the policy for parking permits for businesses, and several Members queried whether the Panel had agreed to refer the issue to this Panel. The Chair advised that he was not aware that the Panel had referred the matter but agreed that a report to clarify the position on consultation on the policy would be requested for the next meeting. A Member asked that the report be placed on the main agenda rather than the information circular for the meeting.


·         Treatment of the Mosaic Tiles

It was pointed out that, at the previous meeting, officers had been requested to investigate treating the newly installed mosaic tiles situated outside Holy Trinity Church with an anti-slip coating to try and ensure the tiles were less slippery when wet. It was queried what the outcome had been. It was agreed that officers would confirm the situation at the next meeting.


·         Farmers’ Market

Further to previous discussions regarding progressing the Farmers’ Market initiative and further to the specific suggestion put forward at the previous meeting of the Panel that officers make contact with other market organisations and other types of market, such as a French market or a flower market, it was advised that officers had now contacted the operators of a French market. They would require 40 stalls, electricity and secure premises to store equipment overnight, as they would want stay for three days, the Panel were informed. It was noted that a representative of the market would want to come over and inspect the site prior to agreeing to operating in Harrow, and it was therefore necessary to identify a suitable site for this number of stalls before the matter could be progressed. Officers were requested to investigate suitable sites and report back to the next meeting of the Panel. In particular it was requested that the suitability of the Masons Avenue flyover be investigated.


·         Wealdstone Traders’ Association

Further to the Chair’s offer at the previous meeting to attend a meeting of the Traders’ Association to discuss specific areas of concern to the association, the Vice-Chair of the Association advised that, having consulted his members, the association would very much like to take him up on his offer and would particularly like to discuss issues relating to parking and traffic flow. The Chair requested that the association contact him with possible dates.


·         Wealdstone Community Centre – Information Display

It was noted that a display had now been erected inside Wealdstone Library and in the window of Premier House, giving details of the community centre project to aid dissemination of information to members of the public. A Member requested that the possibility of placing a display outside the library also be investigated.


Date of Next Meeting

To agree a date for the next meeting of the Panel.


RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Panel be held at 6.30pm on Thursday 15 January 2004