Agenda and minutes

Wealdstone Regeneration Advisory Panel - Wednesday 7 May 2003 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5, Harrow Civic Centre

Contact: Rebecca Arnold, Committee Administrator  E-mail: Tel: 020 8424 1269

Note No. Item


RECOMMENDATION I: Possible Closure and Sale of Wealdstone Police Station: Issue Placed on the Agenda Further to a Request from a Member of the Panel

A Member of your Panel drew the Panel’s attention to an article which had appeared in the Harrow Observer on 1st May 2003, which had quoted the Borough Commander as stating that he understood that the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) were to sell Wealdstone Police Station and that it would not be replaced with any form of Police facility with a public counter.


The Member expressed concern at the apparent lack of consultation on this decision and indicated that she was strongly opposed to it. 


In response, officers and the Chair advised that, contrary to the information contained in the newspaper article, the MPA had stated that a final decision as to the future of the station had not yet been taken. It was agreed that clarification would be sought from the MPA and that any response received, together with other information regarding the issue already received from the MPA, would be circulated to all Members of Council as soon as possible in order to ensure that all Members were aware of the situation.


The Panel agreed that the Chair would also write to the MPA on behalf of the Panel to communicate their concern and that the Panel recommend to Cabinet that it contact the MPA to formally object to the proposal on behalf of the Authority.


Accordingly it was


Resolved to RECOMMEND: (to Cabinet)


That (1) the Chair of the Wealdstone Regeneration Advisory Panel write to the Metropolitan Police Authority to clarify the situation and register the Panel’s concern at  the proposal to close Wealdstone Police Station and leave Wealdstone without any Police facility with a public counter; and


(2) Cabinet write to the Metropolitan Police Authority to formally object, on behalf of the Authority, to the proposal.


[REASON: To ensure that the Authority’s concerns are conveyed to the MPA].


(See also Minute 74).



Attendance by Reserve Members

To note the attendance at this meeting of any duly appointed Reserve Members.


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no Reserve Members in attendance at this meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest (if any) from Members of the Committee arising from business to be transacted at this meeting.


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no declarations of personal or prejudicial interests made by Members of the Panel arising from the business transacted at this meeting.


Arrangement of Agenda

To consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda should be considered with the press and public excluded on the grounds that it is thought likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that there would be disclosure of confidential information in breach of an obligation of confidence or of exempt information as defined in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.


RESOLVED:  That (1) it be agreed that, under the provisions of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the following late item be admitted to the agenda by reason of the special circumstances and grounds for urgency stated;


Agenda Item

Special Circumstances/Grounds for Urgency



Item 16


Councillor Mrs Kinnear had requested that this item be admitted to the agenda on the grounds that she wished to raise issues which had been brought to her attention by a member of the public subsequent to the dispatch of the agenda.




(2) all items be considered with the press and public present.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2003, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting of the Wealdstone Regeneration Advisory Panel held on 11 February 2003, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Matters Arising from the Minutes

To discuss any matter arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2003.


RESOLVED: That the following matters arising from the minutes be noted:


·                Minute 50 – Update on Crossrail Proposals

In response to a question from a Member of the Panel, it was advised that the Authority had been informed that the formal decision on the route of the Crossrail link, a proposed new railway link to inner London, would not now be announced until the end of May. 


·                Minute 50 – Update on the Implementation of the Rising Bollards Scheme in Wealdstone High Street

In response to a query raised by an adviser to the Panel, officers confirmed that, due to technical difficulties there had been a delay in the above scheme becoming fully operational. However, these difficulties had now been resolved and the scheme would be fully operational on Monday 19th May. It was reported that a letter advising of this was shortly to be sent to local traders and businesses and relevant Members.


In response to further queries raised by an adviser and a Member, officers indicated that all technical problems so far had been resolved at the expense of the manufacturer, and confirmed that the possibility of seeking compensation from the manufacturer for the delays was currently being investigated by legal staff. A Member also requested details of the cost of the scheme thus far, which it was noted was being funded by Transport for London.


·                Minute 54 – Petition objecting to the inclusion of part of Spencer Road, Wealdstone in a Controlled Parking Zone

A Member queried whether the Panel’s request that the Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel review the procedure for consultation on any traffic schemes which might have an impact on the economic viability of Wealdstone had been referred to that Panel. It was confirmed that it had been.


·                Minute 58 – Street Warden Scheme

An adviser to the Panel requested clarification of whose responsibility it was to provide the property owned by Acton Housing with wheelie bins. The Park Facilities Manager confirmed that the Local Authority would provide wheelie bins for properties as long as there was a suitable place to collect them from. It was noted that, in this instance, there was no suitable place, and hence bins were not provided.


In response to a further question, the Park Facilities Manager further advised that Street Warden Scheme did not have powers to prosecute against fly-posting.


Public Questions

To receive questions (if any) from local residents or organisations under the provisions of Committee Procedure Rule 15 (Part 4B of the Constitution).


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no public questions to be received at this meeting under the provisions of Advisory Panel and Consultative Forum Procedure Rule 15 (Part 4E of the Constitution).



To receive deputations (if any) under the provisions of Committee Procedure Rule 16 (Part 4B of the Constitution).


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no deputations to be received at this meeting under the provisions of Advisory Panel and Consultative Forum Procedure Rule 14 (Part 4E of the Constitution).



To receive petitions (if any) submitted by members of the public/Councillors under the provisions of Committee Procedure Rule 15 (Part 4B of the Constitution).


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no petitions to be received at this meeting under the provisions of Advisory Panel and Consultative Forum Procedure Rule 15 (Part 4B of the Constitution).


Wealdstone Community Services Centre - Update

Oral Update from the Head of Property and Development


The Panel received an oral update from the Head of Property and Development on progress made with the above project. He advised that a minor amendment to the details of the scheme was proposed, in that all four public elements of the centre were now proposed to be located on the ground floor of the premises, which it was hoped would be up and running shortly after April 2004, and the remaining elements be located on the mezzanine floor, which, due to time constraints, would be developed at a slightly later stage. He also advised that the lease for the site was due to be signed and completed at the end of the month.


It was confirmed, in response to a query from a Member of the Panel, that it was a condition of the Grant Road site application that the library and youth centre elements of Premier House be up and running prior to the closure of the Grant Road site. A Member requested that a large poster stating this be placed outside the library to try to allay the fears of users. It was agreed that this possibility would be investigated. Officers indicated that the placing of a display in the window of Premier House, which would give details of the project to aid further dissemination of information to members of the public, was also being considered.


In response to a series of queries raised by Members in relation to the youth centre, officers reported that the new facilities were to be, in response to the youth team’s requests and in line with government direction, aimed more at young teenagers rather than the broader age group currently served. Members expressed concerns that the after-school club for 5 to 12 year olds, which currently operated from the youth centre, would therefore not be able to operate from the new site. It was agreed that the situation regarding the re-location of the club would be clarified and that the Members of the Panel and the users of the club would be kept informed.


Further to previous discussions relating to the difficulties in providing an outside space as an adjunct to the youth facility on site, due to space constraints, several Members requested that the possibility of using/acquiring the surface car park on Palmerston Rd and/or land behind Lloyds Bank for this purpose be investigated.


RESOLVED: That (1) the progress made with the Wealdstone Community Services Centre Project be note, as outlined above;


(2) the possibility of placing a poster, as referred to above, outside the Grant Road Library be investigated;


(3) the situation regarding the re-location of the Grant Road after-school club be clarified and Members of the Panel and users be kept informed of the situation;


(4) the possibility of using/acquiring the surface car park on Palmerston Rd and/or land behind Lloyds Bank for use as an adjunct to the youth facility be investigated.



Bid to The London Development Agency

Enclosed is a copy of the Expression of Interest submitted to the London Development Agency in March 2003 to support the completion and management of the Wealdstone Community Services Centre.


The Regeneration Officer has advised that the Authority has now been asked for additional information and encouraged forward to Stage 2 of the selection process.


The Panel had been provided with a copy of the Expression of Interest submitted to the London Development Agency in March 2003 for funding to support the completion and management of the Wealdstone Community Centre.


However, the Regeneration Officer now advised that the Authority had recently been informed that the bid had been unsuccessful.


RESOLVED: That the above information be noted.


Street Warden Scheme

Oral Update from the Park Facilities Manager.


The Park Facilities Manager provided an oral update on the operation of the Street Warden Scheme in Wealdstone, which he confirmed continued to make positive achievements and meet all relevant government targets. The following issues, inter alia, were discussed:


·                Anti-social behaviour

It was noted that the Street Wardens had made further visits to first and middle schools in the area to give presentations to pupils, aimed at educating them in the concept of good citizenship and raising their  awareness of environmental issues.


It was further noted that officers were still investigating obtaining Anti-Social Behaviour Orders in respect a number of repeat anti-social offenders.


An adviser expressed concern at anti-social behaviour in Headstone Drive. In response, it was confirmed that the Police had investigated complaints in relation to activities in the road but had so far been unable to press charges. It was advised that the Wardens patrolled the High Street twice a day and would be requested to pay special attention to Headstone Drive. The Park Facilities Manager also agreed to liase with the adviser in question to consider the way forward.


·                Working with Wealdstone Police 

The Wardens continued to work closely with Wealdstone Police and now attended meetings of the Police Borough Weekly Tasking Group which facilitated the Wardens in bringing issues of importance to the attention of the Police.


·                Pigeons

An adviser requested that clear signage requesting that people not feed the pigeons be placed outside Holy Trinity Church. In response, the Park Facilities Manager advised that the site was private property, but agreed to investigate the matter.


RESOLVED: That the above update and issues raised be noted.


Wealdstone Active Community

Oral update from the WAC adviser to the Panel on the activities of WAC.


A representative of Wealdstone Active Community (WAC) updated the Panel on future events being organised by WAC. These included a ‘Spring Clean’ event to be held on 10th May and a ‘Blooming Wealdstone’ event to be held on 19th July.


It was also noted that WAC had been liasing with the Authority’s Arts Development Officer to discuss the possibility of a community art project, such as, for example, painting a mural onto the metal fence adjacent to the train station. WAC were particularly keen to involve teenagers and young adults in the project. Arising out of discussion on this initiative, a Member also suggested the possibility of local artists using a site in Wealdstone to sell artwork.


The representative of WAC further reported that it had been suggested that the side wall of ‘Bargain Bazaar’ facing Holy Trinity Church be painted and a large display case erected, and that hanging baskets would again be installed in Wealdstone this summer.


Lastly, it was also that noted that on 16th July the peripatetic teachers of brass instruments would perform outside Holy Trinity Church between 1 and 2pm as part of the Harrow Arts Festival.


RESOLVED: That the above update be noted.


Possible Closure and Sale of Wealdstone Police Station: Issue Placed on the Agenda Further to a Request from a Member of the Panel


RESOLVED: That any response received from the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) regarding the possible closure of the above station, together with other information regarding the issue already received from the MPA, be circulated to all Members of Council as soon as possible.


(See also the Recommendation I above).


Bid to Transport for London for Local Area Treatment/Regeneration of Wealdstone


The Panel received an oral report from a Transportation Officer regarding the Authority’s bid to Transport for London for funding for highway improvements in Harrow, which they had now been informed had been successful. The officer advised that the Authority would receive £140,000 over the next two financial years and that Transport for London had also indicated that they would consider further bids for funding to improve the area.


Officers had therefore formulated a list of proposals on improvements which this funding and any funding secured in the future could be spent on, and these were circulated to the Panel. The officer sought feedback from the Panel and suggestions for any additional or alternative proposals. It was emphasised that Transport for London would assess any bid against its compatibility with the aims of the Mayor’s strategy, which were to promote sustainable forms of transport and road safety, and therefore, clearly, any proposals needed to be formulated with this in mind. It was also explained that Transport for London could only fund on-highway works and not off-highway projects. It was reported that there was a very limited time-frame in which to solidify proposals as the submission deadline for the bid was August and all proposals would be required to be ratified by Cabinet prior to submission.


Following lengthy discussion it was agreed that, of the proposals suggested by the officer, priority be given to those suggested in respect of Peel Road (the footpath section from the High Street to Gladstone Way), the open section of Headstone Drive and Gladstone Way, and that, additionally, officers also give consideration to adding the installation of a mini-roundabout or traffic signals at the junction of Headstone Drive/Ellen Webb Drive/Cecil Road to the list of proposals.


It was agreed that advisers and Members would contact the officer direct with any further suggestions.


RESOLVED: That Transportation Officers note the feedback of the Panel, as outlined above, regarding the allocation of funding received from Transport for London for highway improvements in Wealdstone.


Future Development of the Group


The Panel considered a report of the Head of Property and Development which aimed to encourage discussion of the Panel’s future role and which suggested a number of changes to the Panel to facilitate it in continuing to effectively promote the interests of the Wealdstone area and to increase community ownership of its work. These included, changes to its status, altering the venue of the meetings, and re-examining the membership of the Panel.


During the debate which followed, a number of Members and advisers to the Panel stressed that that they wished the Panel to remain a formal part of the Council structure as they felt it was important to maintain a strong and direct relationship with the Council to ensure that issues of importance to Wealdstone continued to be placed on the Council agenda. There was similar support for meetings to continue to be held at the Civic Centre on the grounds that the facilities were suitable, the location convenient, and paying to rent external premises would not be financially expedient.


There was, however, some support for re-examining the membership of the Panel, in particular, the community representation on the Panel. A Member commented that the membership should reflect the ethnic diversity of Wealdstone itself, and suggested that representatives of local places of worship could be invited to become advisers to the Panel.  


RESOLVED: That the above report be noted and officers be requested to investigate the possibility of amending the community representation on the Panel in order to make it more ethnically diverse, and in particular, to investigate the possibility of inviting representatives of local places of worship to become advisers to the Panel.


[Note: The above item was discussed by the Panel further to a late report circulated under cover of a supplemental agenda and was admitted to the agenda on this basis].


Key Performance Indicators for Wealdstone


Further to the Action Plan Update, which was circulated under cover of the Information Circular for the meeting, information regarding key performance indicators relating to Wealdstone was circulated.


RESOLVED: That the above information be noted.


Vote of Thanks to Geoff Easton


The Panel noted that this would be last meeting of the Wealdstone Regeneration Advisory Panel which Geoff Easton, the Head of Property and Development, would be attending, as he would shortly be leaving the Council’s employment. Members of all Groups and advisers to the Panel thanked him for his valued contribution to the work of the Panel and wished him every success for the future.


Date of Next Meeting

To agree a date for the next meeting of the Panel.


RESOLVED: That the next meeting of the Panel be held at 6.30pm on Monday 21st July 2003.