Issue - meetings

The Keeping of a Child in Secure Accommodation

Meeting: 05/11/2009 - Social Services Appeals Panel (Item 39)

The Keeping of a Child in Secure Accommodation


In accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the Panel considered a report of the Corporate Director Children’s Services as the Local Authority was required to hold a meeting of the Social Services Appeals Panel within 28 days of a child being placed in Secure Accommodation.  The report set out the background to the current situation and outlined the reasons why a secure placement was still considered necessary.  A report from the Independent Investigator setting out the views of the child, and a report from the Secure Unit were tabled at the meeting.


The Panel carefully reviewed the case, taking into account the verbal updates from the Social Services Officer, Independent Investigator, Secure Unit, and the wishes of the child who was present at the beginning of the meeting.  The Panel agreed that the criteria for the placement in secure accommodation continued to apply, that the placement continued to be necessary and that no other description of accommodation was appropriate.


RESOLVED:  That the child remain in the Secure Unit for a period of three months from 5 November 2009.