Issue - meetings

Harrow Long Term Transport Strategy: Draft for public consultation

Meeting: 16/11/2023 - Cabinet (Item 226)

226 Harrow Long Term Transport Strategy: Draft for public consultation pdf icon PDF 603 KB

Report of the Corporate Director of Place.

Additional documents:




(1)            the draft Transport Strategy for public consultation be approved;


(2)            the results of public consultation reported back to Cabinet with the final Strategy for approval in principle;


(3)            the results of the public consultation and final Strategy be referred to full Council for final approval.


Reason for Decision:  This Long-Term Transport Strategy (LTTS) provided strategic direction for all aspect of transport within the London Borough of Harrow over the next 20 years.  This was the first Strategy of this kind for the Borough and set out the Council’s ambitions for a transport system that was more accessible, safer and greener, whilst recognising that cars would always be a vital link in the chain.  This Strategy could help to address transport aspects through meaningful actions.