65 Investments & Managers Performance Review PDF 161 KB
Additional documents:
Members received the Investments and Managers Performance Review, which updates the Committee on regular items as follows:
§ Draft work programme for the remainder of 2023-2024 on which the Committee’s comments and agreement were requested;
§ The investment and management performance dashboard report summarising key fund performance and risk indicators and PIRC Performance Indicators;
§ Fund performance to 30 June 2023 and 31 August 2023; and
§ Update on Audit of Annual Report and Accounts for 2021-2022.
Members enquired how Harrow’s funding level compared with other local authorities. It was advised that Harrow’s funding position was strong and healthy, and this compared satisfactorily with other local authorities. However, there was a wide range of funding ratios across local government, as the strategic investment strategies were varied.
Members were informed that the Manager Review Day would be held on 30 October 2023.
Furthermore, Members were also informed of the intention to have a training session on performance measurement.
(1) the performance and investment dashboard report be noted; and
(2) the draft work programme for the remainder of 2023-2024 be approved.