164 Fencing Installations, Maintenance, Security and Groundworks PDF 165 KB
Report of the Corporate Director of Place and the Director of Environment.
Additional documents:
Having agreed to note the confidential appendix to the officer report, Cabinet
(1) the commencement of a procurement processfor the provision of Fencing Installation, Maintenance, Security and Groundworks, be approved, noting that the term of any future contract award following a competitive and compliant procurement exercise would be for an initial term of 3 years with up to 3 extension options of 2 years and a final extension option of 1 year;
(2) the tender documents set out in the confidential Appendix 1 to the officer report be approved;
(3) authoritybe delegatedto theCorporate DirectorofPlace, followingconsultation with the Director of Finance, Portfolio Holders for Environment and Community Safety and Finance and Human Resources to make any changes required to the tender documents following approval;
(4) authoritybe delegatedto theCorporate Directorof Place,following consultation with the Director of Finance and the Portfolio Holders for Environment and Community Safety and Finance and Human Resources to award the contract following a compliant procurement process.
Reason for Decision: The recommendations in the report are made based on a robust specification andin linewith thecurrent resourcesavailable tothe Council.Implementation of the new contract would deliver:
· Cost-effectiveprojects delivery and completionof worksfor Fencing Installations, Maintenance, Security and Groundworks;
· A contract that is compliantwith theCouncils ContractProcedure Rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015;
· Abilityto allocateprojects worksquickly andefficiently;
· A performance managed contract with guaranteed minimum levels ofservice and warranty including emergency call outs.