127 Authority to Implement and administer Extra Support Schemes for Residents in 2023/24 PDF 193 KB
Report of the Director of Finance.
Additional documents:
(1) a new one-off Council Tax Reduction for Pensioners and Working Age claimants in receipt of Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) as of 1 April 2023 be introduced, noting that pensioner and working age LCTS recipients would be eligible for a one-off grant as per Tables 1 & 2 in the officer report;
(2) the Director of Finance and Assurance be authorised to administer awards under the provisions of Section 13A(1)(c) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (as amended by the Local Government Finance Act 2012), in respect of the Council Tax reduction for Pensioners & Working Age claimants; and
(3) the need to award the Alternative Fuel Support Payments to all qualifying households be noted and the administration of the scheme on behalf of Government be agreed.
Reason for Decision: To fulfil the Council’s obligations under the relevant guidance’s issued.
[No conflict of interests were declared or dispensations granted in relation to the above items.]