Report of the Corporate Director of Place.
Additional documents:
(1) Harrow Council enter a new 12-month maximum Inter Authority Agreement (IAA)arrangement for the provision of special needs transport to the London Borough of Brent from August 2022;
(2) the terms be agreed and a new longer-term IAA be finalised, dependent on the outcome and be informed by a joint review of services, between both Harrow and Brent Councils;
(3) the Corporate Director of Placefollowing consultation with the Director of Finance and the respective Portfolio Holders for Environment & Community Safety and Finance & Human Resources, be authorised to finalise and execute the above two recommendations; and
(4) Harrow Council led on any necessary procurement exercises for associated third party contracts over the term of the IAA’s directly related to the provision of Harrow and Brent Council Special Needs Transport (HBSNT) such as fleet, taxi, labour supply and IT.
Reason for Decision: To ensure the respective Councils could discharge their statutory functions in the provision of this critical service transporting Children, Young People and Adults with special needs.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: As set out in the report.
Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member/Dispensation Granted: None.