Issue - meetings

Developing a Unified Borough Plan

Meeting: 22/03/2022 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 187)

Developing a Unified Borough Plan

Additional documents:


The Board received the Borough Plan, which had been developed with partners through the Harrow Strategic Partnership, and approved by the Council in February 2022.


The Borough Plan set out the strategic direction for the borough for the next 10 years. All other plans and strategies should be anchored in the Plan and set out their contribution to some or all of the eight priorities and the two cross cutting priorities.


The eight priorities were:


1)              Improving the environment and tackling climate change;

2)              Tackling poverty and inequality;

3)              Building homes and infrastructure;

4)              Addressing health and social inequality;

5)              Thriving economy;

6)              Sustaining quality education and training;

7)              Celebrating communities and cohesion; and

8)              Maintaining low crime and improving community safety.


The cross-cutting themes were tackling disadvantage; and tackling racial disproportionality.


Furthermore, specific contributions that the Health and Wellbeing Strategy was being asked to focus on were: tackling poverty and inequality; as well as addressing health and social inequality.


The Board thanked officers for the Borough Plan.


RESOLVED: That the Borough Plan be noted.