Issue - meetings

Quarterly Update on Wider Determinants of Public Health

Meeting: 28/09/2021 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 160)

Quarterly Update on Wider Determinants of Public Health

Additional documents:


Members received the Quarterly Public Health Report (Quarter 1 2021/22).


The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic had brought an unprecedented situation in the borough, the country and worldwide.  There had been an epidemic rise of confirmed Covid-19 cases in Harrow from 16 June 2021 to 14 September 2021, which had resulted in increases of daily number of Covid-19 patients admitted to hospital in Harrow.


Examples of inter-organisational work within Harrow included: strengthening key messaging:  hands, face, space and fresh air; routine testing, isolation and vaccination; strengthening key engagement:  Working with the Community and Voluntary Sector to share knowledge, and understand behaviours particularly around vaccination; using the relationships with the NHS:  to support care homes, deliver vaccination, and ensure appropriate testing venues (both PCR and LFT); supporting schools: outbreak management, contact tracing, interpretation of guidance, and being partners with them to roll out the 12- to 15-year olds vaccinations; data exchange - pooling knowledge and data to build the foundation of Population Health Management / Risk Management


Covid-19 risk factors were: age, body mass index (BMI), deprivation, ethnicity, respiratory conditions and other vulnerabilities.


Public Health specific actions (June – September 2021) were: the 2021 flu programme preparation; promotion of childhood vaccinations such as Measles, Mumps and Rubella; highlight the management of Asthma in children; restarted the weight management through Watford Football Club; recommissioning of the Children and Young Person’s Substance Misuse service; developing closer links with CNWL in the promotion of good mental health and suicide prevention; school based How Are You survey (HAY) Harrow; and to refresh the approach to the Expert Patient Programme, which is a peer level education and support programme.


RESOLVED: That the Report be noted.