Issue - meetings

Final Revenue Budget 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2021/22-2023-24

Meeting: 11/02/2021 - Cabinet (Item 425)

425 Final Revenue Budget 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2021/22 - 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 691 KB

Report of the Director of Finance.

Additional documents:


Resolved to RECOMMEND: (to Council)




(1)          the 2021/22 budget, taking into account the results of the various consultations and equality impact assessments, be approved to enable the Council Tax for 2021/22 to be set (Appendix 2 to the report refers);


(2)          the Model Council Tax Resolution 2021/22, as set out in Appendix 11 to the report, be approved;


(3)          the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), as set out in Appendix 2 to the officer report, be approved;


(4)          the 2021/22 Members’ Allowance Scheme, as set out in Appendix 12 to the officer report, be approved;


(5)          the 2021/22 Annual Pay Policy Statement, as set out in Appendix 13 to the officer report, be approved;


(6)          the Capital Receipts Flexibility Strategy, as set out in Appendix 14 to the report, be approved.


[Call-in did not apply to the decisions above as they were reserved to full Council.]




(7)          in accordance with Section 38 (2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the Chief Executive be instructed to place a notice in the local press of the amounts set under recommendation 2 above with a period of 21 days following the Council’s decision;


(8)          the following be noted:


a)            the balanced budget position for 2021/and the budget gaps of £24.651m and £5.098m for 2022/23 and 2023/24 respectively (Table 5 of the officer report refers)


b)            the intention to increase Council Tax by 1.99% in 2021/22 (Paragraph 1.20 of the officer refers);


c)            the proposal to increase Council Tax by a further 3% in 2021/22 in respect of the Adult Social Care Precept (Paragraph 1.20 of the officer report refers;


d)            the 2021/22 budgets for Schools and Public Health as set out in Appendices 6 & 7 to the officer report;


e)            the assumed funding for the protection of social care 2021/22 through the Better Care Fund as set out in paragraphs 1.74 to 1.78 of the officer report;


f)             the requirement to develop a fully costed budget and implementation plan, to the value of a minimum £10m, to bring to Cabinet on preparation to feed into the budget setting round for 2022/23 (Paragraph 1.83 of the officer report refers;


Reason for Recommendation:  To ensure that the Council set a balanced budget for 2021/22.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  As set out in the report.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member/Dispensation Granted:  None.