Decision details

Future Options for Harrow Arts Centre, Harrow Museum and Harrow Music Service

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Approval of the business plan for Harrow Arts Centre and future governance options for Harrow Arts Centre, Harrow Museum and Harrow Music Service


Having considered the confidential appendices, it was




(1)               having considered the options for the future of Harrow Arts Centre, Harrow Schools Music Service and Harrow Museum, paragraphs 3, 6, 7 and 8 of the report refer, Option C - Move to new governance arrangements as a single Charitable Trust, be approved;


(2)               the Divisional Director of Community and Culture, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder Community, Culture and Resident Engagement, be authorised to commence the setting up of a Charitable Trust for the delivery of services at Harrow Arts Centre, Harrow Museum and Harrow Schools Music Service, as outlined in paragraph 3, Option C, of the report, and including as follows:


·           the Corporate Director of Environment and Enterprise, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder Business, Planning and Regeneration, be delegated authority for the leasing of the properties to a new Charitable Trust at less than best consideration;


·           undertake the necessary actions for the formation of an Interim Board of Trustees and the Trust including preparation of legal agreements between the Council and a new Trust for the delivery of services, for staff transfer, back office services agreements, any contract novation, building surveys and other preparatory works which might be necessary and the identification of Council capital through the Council processes of up to a maximum of £1million in 2016/17 should this not be fully delivered by the Trust to support the delivery of the Phase 1 capital works;


(3)               a further report be submitted to Cabinet in January 2016 outlining the outcome of the formal review in October 2015, progress to date and seeking final approval for the transfer of services and assets, as appropriate, to a Trust on 4 April 2016 if Members were satisfied with that progress.


Reason for Decision:  To consider the future governance options for Harrow Arts Centre, Harrow Museum and Harrow Music Service to ensure sustainable delivery of cultural services in Harrow whilst delivering savings for the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  As set out in the officer report.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member / Dispensation Granted:  None.

Report author: Paul Najsarek

Publication date: 22/05/2015

Date of decision: 21/05/2015

Decided at meeting: 21/05/2015 - Cabinet

Effective from: 02/06/2015

Accompanying Documents: