Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Cabinet to approve the use of additional funds allocated to Harrow Council by the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy.
(1) the Additional Restrictions Grant to fund additional activities supporting Harrow’s businesses, Metropolitan Town Centre, District Centres and Local Centres be allocated in accordance with the proposals set out in the officer report;
(2) the Director of Finance and the Corporate Director of Community, following consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Finance and Resources, and Business, Property and Leisure, be authorised to allocate funds in accordance with those proposals detailed in the officer report, noting that the Corporate Director will then delegate operational authority to the Head of Revenue and Benefits and the Acting Director Economy and Culture to implement.
Reason for Decision: To ensure public funding was allocated in accordance with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Guidance and the Harrow principles set out in the officer report, and to utilise the additional £2.3m increase to rebuild the Harrow economy.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: As set out in the report.
Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member/Dispensation Granted: None.
Report author: Corporate Director, Community
Publication date: 19/03/2021
Date of decision: 18/03/2021
Decided at meeting: 18/03/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 27/03/2021
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