Decision details

The Council's Response to COVID 19

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Chair drew Members’ attention to the updates set out in the supplemental agenda and having agreed to the deletion of recommendation 5 in the officer report, it was




(1)          the actions and decisions taken by officers, as set out in the report, to deal with the implications and impact of COVID 19 (Coronavirus) be agreed and ratified;


(2)          the scale and potential financial impact on the Councils Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) be noted;


(3)          the initial plans for Harrow’s restart and recovery be noted;


(4)          the Corporate Director of People Services, following consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Adult Social Care and Finance and Resources and the Director of Finance, be authorised to agree temporary additional funding to care providers for COVID 19 related costs for phase 2 (July to September) and phase 3 (October to December) if deemed necessary and that the combined costs of phases 2 and 3 must not exceed £1m;


(5)          we take this opportunity to acknowledge the sterling effort and work of all staff to date through the COVID 19 crisis, which will be formally recognised at a future date;


(6)          we request the Chief Executive to convey our sincere thanks to staff for the speed and flexibility in rising to the many challenges of dealing with the COVID 19 crisis, going above and beyond to deliver services that were so desperately needed and welcomed by so many within our communities, coming together to achieve what many thought would be impossible, maintaining the essential services that our residents rely on, all of which has shown the true value of Local Government and why Harrow was a great place to be; 


(7)          we take this opportunity to acknowledge that in delivering the Council response, much of this activity had been in partnership with other organisations including the NHS, Care providers, Local business, Faith Groups and the voluntary and community sector, which would be formally recognised at a future date;


(8)          officers be instructed to submit further reports to update Cabinet, as appropriate.


Reasons for Decision:  Due to the COVID 19 crisis and instructions and directions of the Government, it had not been possible for Members to meet and take decisions due to the ‘lockdown’ and the requirement to maintain social distancing.  Officers have taken a number of operational decisions that Members were now asked to ratify.


In terms of temporary additional funding for care providers, as the costs of phase 2 and 3 were currently estimated, the proposed delegation would allow an extension up to £1m to ensure there was no delay in making any future payments to care providers.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  As set out in the report.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member/Dispensation Granted:  None.

Report author: Sean Harriss

Publication date: 22/05/2020

Date of decision: 21/05/2020

Decided at meeting: 21/05/2020 - Cabinet

Effective from: 02/06/2020

Accompanying Documents: