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Accounts Approval Sub-Committee
Adult Health and Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Appeals Committee
Area Forums
Assessment Sub-Committee
Audit Committee
Best Value Advisory Panel
Better Government for Older People Advisory Panel
Business Transformation Partnership Panel
Call-In Sub-Committee
Call-In Sub-Committee (Education)
Chief Officers' Employment Panel
Children and Young People Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Community Consultative Forum
Corporate Parenting Panel
Development Control Committee
Development Management Committee
Early Retirement Sub-Committee
Education Admissions and Awards Advisory Panel
Education Awards Appeals Panel
Education Consultative Forum Governors Working Group
Education Strategy Consultative Forum
Education, Arts and Leisure Committee
Employees' Consultative Forum
Environment and Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee
General Purposes and Licensing Committee
Governance, Audit, Risk Management and Standards Committee
Grants Advisory Panel
Harrow Admissions Forum
Harrow Business Consultative Panel
Harrow Partnership Board
Harrow Strategic Partnership Executive
Harrow Town Centre Forum
Health and Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Health and Wellbeing Board
Hearing Review Sub-Committee
HOST Project Panel
Housing Improvement Options Advisory Panel
Independent Panel
Investigating Committee
Joint (Overview and Scrutiny) Committee for the Scrutiny of the Future of Mount Vernon Hospital
Licensing and General Purposes Committee
Licensing Panel
Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Local Transport Strategy Panel
Major Developments Panel
Member Development Panel
Mount Vernon Cancer Centre Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
National Non-Domestic Rate - Discretionary Rate Relief Appeal Panel
National Non-Domestic Ratepayer Consultative Panel
New Harrow Project Panel
North West London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Pension Board
Pension Fund Committee
Pension Fund Investments Panel
Performance and Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Personnel Appeals Panel
Planning Committee
Planning Policy Advisory Panel
Portfolio Holder Decision Meeting
Public Entertainments Licensing and Safety Panel
Publications Advisory Panel
Review Sub-Committee
Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee
School Organisation Committee
School Placement Panel
Selection Panel
Social Services Appeals Panel
Social Services Committee
South Harrow Study Panel
Standards Committee
Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education
Statutory Chief Officers' Disciplinary Panel
Strategic Planning Advisory Panel
Strategic Planning Committee
Strengthening Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Supporting People Advisory Panel
Sustainable Development and Enterprise Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Tenants', Leaseholders' and Residents' Consultative Forum
The Constitution
Town Centre and Major Projects Panel
Trading Standards Joint Advisory Board
Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel
Wealdstone Regeneration Advisory Panel
West London Economic Prosperity Board
West London Waste Authority
West London Waste Authority - Audit Committee
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Ali, Councillor Ghazanfar Ali
Anderson, Councillor Dan Anderson
Ashton, Councillor David Ashton
Ashton, Councillor Marilyn Ashton
Assad, Councillor Peymana Assad
Baxter, Councillor Christopher Baxter
Baxter, Councillor June Baxter
Benjamin, Councillor Philip Benjamin
Bharadia, Councillor Govind Bharadia
Blackman, Councillor Nicola Blackman
Brown, Councillor Simon Brown
Chauhan, Councillor Ramji Kanji Chauhan
Choudhury, Councillor Shahania Choudhury
Chowdhury, Councillor Salim Chowdhury
Dolor, Councillor Kandy Dolor
Gilligan, Councillor Dean Gilligan
Goodwin-Freeman, Councillor Matthew Goodwin-Freeman
Greek, Councillor Stephen Greek
Halai, Councillor Chetna Halai
Hall, Councillor Susan Hall
Henson, Councillor Graham Henson
Henson, Councillor Maxine Henson
Hickman, Councillor Stephen Hickman
Hirani, Councillor Nitesh Hirani
Hussain, Councillor Asif Hussain
Idaikkadar, Councillor Thaya Idaikkadar
Jogia, Councillor Ameet Jogia MBE
Kalu, Councillor Rashmi Kalu
Karia, Councillor Hitesh Karia
Kulig, Councillor Eden Kulig
Kumaran, Councillor Kuha Kumaran
Lammiman, Councillor Jean Lammiman
Miles, Councillor Jerry Miles
Mithani, Councillor Vipin Mithani
Moshenson, Councillor Amir Moshenson
Mote, Councillor Janet Mote
O'Dell, Councillor Phillip O'Dell
Osborn, Councillor Paul Osborn
Parekh, Councillor Nitin Parekh
Parmar, Councillor Mina Parmar
Parmar, Councillor Varsha Parmar
Patel, Councillor Anjana Patel
Patel, Councillor Pritesh Patel
Perry, Councillor David Perry
Proctor, Councillor Natasha Proctor
Rabadia, Councillor Kanti Rabadia
Shah, Councillor Rekha Shah
Shah-Levy, Councillor Aneka Shah-Levy
Stevenson, Councillor Norman Stevenson
Sumaria, Councillor Samir Sumaria
Suresh, Councillor Krishna Suresh
Suresh, Councillor Sasi Suresh
Teli, Councillor Yogesh Teli
Wagman, Councillor Zak Wagman
Weiss, Councillor Dr Antonio Weiss
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period