Executive post

Finance & Highways Portfolio Holder


To be responsible for the development and maintenance of the Council’s Finance, Procurement, HR and Highways functions including:




·                 To develop and maintain a coherent, sustainable financial strategy for Harrow.

·                 To ensure that the development of proposals for and consultation on the annual budget take place within the requirements of the Budget and Policy Framework Rules and good corporate governance practice.

·                 To oversee the development of clear systems and structures for budget development, management and monitoring; in particular, for the Council’s revenue and capital budgets including the Housing Revenue Account.

·                 To ensure that the Council’s arrangements for treasury management and pension fund investments are effective as far as this is an executive function.

·                 To bring forward proposals for any review of fees and charges that are executive side functions.

·                 To ensure procedures for virement within budgets are updated as appropriate and followed at Member and officer level.

·                 To evaluate the financial procedures of the Council and recommend improvements.

·                 To ensure that the Council has effective procurement systems and processes in place.

·                 To ensure that the Council has effective procedures for the recovery of Council Tax, Business Rates and parking income and any other fees and charges.

·                 To ensure the effective administration of Housing Benefits.

·                 To ensure a co-ordinated Council response to government changes to welfare benefits.

·                 To ensure that the Council has effective financial risk management and internal control systems and processes in place.

·                 To oversee and ensure the development and maintenance of effective business continuity, emergency planning and insurance arrangements.

·                 To be the lead member for liaison with the recognised Trades Unions of the Council

·                 To ensure that the Council has effective payroll and pensions administration systems and processes in place.

·                 To ensure the delivery of accounts payable and accounts receivable services.

·                 To receive information regarding appropriate organisational development within the Council

·                 To receive information regarding training and the completion of mandatory training.

·                 To oversee the development and implementation of appropriate equalities measures.




·                 To oversee the development and maintenance of positive links and partnerships with other organisations and businesses to improve the transport services within Harrow.

·                 To be responsible for the development and delivery of the Council’s Highway functions including:

-                      Harrow’s Transportation policy

-                      The Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy

-                      The Roads maintenance programme

-                      The Council’s Pothole strategy

-                      Car parks and parking strategy, including Controlled Parking Zones and the issuing of Parking Permits.

-                      Traffic management and road safety

·                 To manage the Council’s relationship with the GLA, the Government and London Councils on transport matters.

·                 To manage the Council’s relationship with TFL.

·                 To oversee the enforcement approach on all Harrow highways, including PCNs and other fines (e.g., over run of third-party utility works).

·                 To oversee the policy and delivery of parking permits (including the efficient issuing of).

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