Executive post

Business, Employment and Property Portfolio Holder


To be responsible for the strategic direction and the promotion of employment opportunities in the Borough including:


·                 To act as the lead Member for the Council’s engagement with business;

·                 Liaising with local and national government bodies and the business community.

·                 Small business support and business relationships.

·                 Economic regeneration and inclusive economy.

·                 Ensuring residents have appropriate training and development opportunities and benefit from employment opportunities in the Borough.

·                 Town Centre Strategy and management (jointly with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration)


To be responsible for the policy direction for the development of the Council's property assets and the development and delivery of the Council’s major partnership contracts including:


·                 To provide policy direction to ensure the effective development of the Council's property assets.

·                 Co-location of services with partners.


To ensure that development of the Council's assets is undertaken in a coordinated and collaborative way with partners.


To authorise the acquisition or disposal of land holdings up to a value of £499k, other than disposal at less than best consideration.


To be responsible for digital creativity in the Borough including:


·                 Lead member responsible for liaising with digital connectivity providers.


·                 To provide policy direction to ensure the Borough’s digital connectivity fits with the needs of Harrow’s residents and businesses.


Post is held by