Committee details

Corporate Parenting Panel

Purpose of committee

The Corporate Parenting Panel has the following duties and responsibilities:




1.            To ensure that the Council is fulfilling its duties towards Children Looked After corporately and in partnership with other statutory agencies.


2.            To consider matters referred to the Panel within its terms of reference and to make recommendations to Cabinet/Portfolio Holder as appropriate including:


a.    Approving annually the Statement of Purpose for the Adoption Service

b. Approving annually the Statement of Purpose for the Fostering Service

c.  To ensure all councillors are aware of their corporate parenting responsibilities through Mandatory training and communication.


Role of the Panel


1.     To take an overview of the Council’s and partner agencies responsibilities towards looked after children


2.     To examine ways in which the Council as a whole and partner agencies can improve the life chances of looked after children and care leavers.


3.     Ensure there are good joint working arrangements between council departments and partner agencies.


4.     To consider and regularly review on an annual basis a Corporate Parenting Strategy setting out key priorities and areas for action.  The Corporate Parenting Strategy will be submitted to Cabinet and full council for consideration and decision on approval.


5.     To provide a forum for Children Looked After (CLA) to participate and influence policy and enable CLA to have opportunity to talk about issues relating to their own direct experiences of services they have received.  Hence the Board will ensure that the positive experiences/services are maintained and lessons are learnt and changes made in the areas that require improvements.


6.     To comment on and contribute to plans, polices and strategies for looked after children and make appropriate recommendations for action.


7.     To have a monitoring role, by receiving regular progress reports and data on all key Performance Indicators for all CLA e.g. educational attainment (including implementation of Personal Education Plans) and health assessments.


8.     Monitor the plans/needs of children in Secure Accommodation.


9.     To receive regular reports on the needs of care leavers including employment, further education, training and housing.


10.  To receive annual reports on the following services


·     Adoption

·     Fostering

·     Complaints


11.  To meet with CLA and their carers on a regular basis to consult and celebrate achievements, festivals etc.


12.  To manage and arrange Member visits to


·     Children’s Homes

·     Foster Placements

·     Frontline Services (as indicated in the Victoria Climbie Audit)




The Corporate Parenting panel will comprise:


A proportionate number of 6 Elected Members 


Service Users, Carers and Schools (Non-Voting)


·                     At least 1 Care leaver

·                     1 Foster Carer

·                     1 Virtual Head Teacher


Senior Officers (advisors to the Panel – to attend as appropriate to the work of the Panel)


·                     Director of Children’s Services

·                     Divisional Director Children and Young People

·                     Head of Service Corporate Parenting

·                     CLA Nurse

·                     Housing Needs Manager

·                     Business Intelligence


Information on how to submit a petition, deputation or public question is available on the council website.





Contact information

Support officer: Sonia Karimzada. E-mail: