Committee details

Harrow Business Consultative Panel

Purpose of committee

The Harrow Business Consultative Panel facilitates consultation between the Council and representatives of the business community, as required by Section 65 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.  The Panel also provides information regarding the Council’s expenditure proposals in accordance with Non-Domestic Ratepayers (Consultation) Regulations 1992.


The Panel has the following duties and responsibilities:


1.            domestic ratepayers required by Section 65 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and to provide information regarding the Council’s expenditure proposals for the future budget in accordance with Non-Domestic Ratepayers (Consultation) Regulations 1992. The minutes of the meetings to be reported to the Cabinet.


2.         To facilitate consultation between the Council and representatives of the business community as required by the Authority.


(Formerly known as the National Non-Domestic Ratepayer Consultative Panel.)


Information on how to submit a petition, deputation or public question is available on the council website.




Contact information

Support officer: Andrew Seaman, Senior Democratic & Electoral Services Officer. Tel: 07928 512790 E-mail: