The Employees’ Consultative Forum has the following duties and responsibilities:
Terms of Reference
1.0 Consultation
1.1 The Employees’ Consultative Forum (ECF) is the primary mechanism by which Council Members will consult Union Representatives on specific matters of mutual interest. The ECF shall make recommendations to the Cabinet on such issues. In addition, the ECF will receive reports on actions from the ECF Sub-Group.
1.2 The ECF will meet at least twice annually.
2.0 Equal Opportunities
2.1 The ECF will seek to promote Equal Opportunities in Employment within the Council, ensuring compliance with all the relevant anti-discrimination legislation.
2.2 The ECF will ensure the effective implementation of ‘Making a Difference – Making Equality of Opportunity a Reality’. The ECF will receive and comment on regular reports including:-
· Statistics and progress on meeting equality targets including an annual report on employment issues analysed by protected characteristics.
3.0 Health & Safety
3.1 The ECF will seek to promote health and safety and welfare within the Council and will keep under review the measures taken to ensure health and safety and welfare at work. The Forum will receive and comment on reports, including:-
· The Council’s half-year and annual health and safety performance report providing an update of health and safety activities and giving information on outcome measures.
3.2 Any health and safety and welfare matters which are the responsibility of the Council as set out in the schedule to the Council’s Constitution must be referred to the Licensing and General Purposes Committee.
4.0 Budget
The ECF will consider the budget, as part of the Council’s consultation on the budget setting process and make comments on the recommendations.
5.0 Membership
5.1 The permanent membership of the Forum shall be as follows: -
a) 7 Councillors to include the Leader / Deputy leader and the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Human Resources.
b) A minimum of one and maximum of 3 representatives from each recognised trade union. (Note the number of representatives for each trade union to be determined by their notified membership numbers).
5.2 The Council Members shall be appointed annually by the Cabinet. If a Council Member is unable to attend any meeting then a duly appointed Reserve Council Member may attend in their place.
5.3 The Employee Side Representatives shall be nominated to the Head of Paid Service within 14 days of each Annual Council. If an Employee Side representative is unable to attend any meeting they may nominate a substitute who shall be co-opted onto the committee for the purposes of this meeting.
5.4 The role of chairing the ECF will rotate between Council Members and Employee Side representatives each Municipal Year.
5.5 The Employee Side will agree amongst themselves who will take the Chair and notify Democratic Services.
5.6 Others who may attend the Forum include:-
Head of Paid Service, Corporate Directors & Directors (or representative)
Trade Union Branch Secretaries (or representative)
Trade Union Branch Regional Officials (as required)
Representatives from Employee Support Groups – for the Annual Equality in Employment report.
Other officers as required.
For the meeting to be quorate, it must be attended by a minimum of three Council Members and two trade union representatives from different trade unions.
6.0 Recommendations of the Employees’ Consultative Forum
6.1 Recommendations of the ECF are reached by a majority vote among elected Members.
6.2 Recommendations of the ECF must go to the relevant portfolio holder or Cabinet, who are the last stage in the local procedures and in the normal course of events, will be implemented immediately (subject to the call-in period).
(Note: A proposal to establish any subsidiary body of this Committee shall be subject to its prior referral to and approval by Cabinet).
Information on how to submit a petition, deputation or public question is available on the council website.
Support officer: Andrew Seaman, Senior Democratic & Electoral Services Officer. Tel: 07928 512790 E-mail: