The Planning Committee has the following powers and duties:
1. To exercise the functions of the council as local planning authority under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and other planning and subordinate legislation with the exception that:
a) the preparation, maintenance and updating of the Local Development Framework; and
b) the consideration of any policy matter concerning the planning of the Borough, including the development of major sites but not the determination of any planning application;
shall be matters to be determined by the Cabinet.
2. To determine applications for certificates under section 17 of the Land Compensation Act 1961.
3. To consider and, if appropriate, serve Article 4 Directions removing permitted development rights in accordance with the Town and Country Planning General (Permitted Development) Order 1990.
4. To determine and enforce building regulations.
5. All other functions relating to town and country planning and development control as set out in the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 (as amended) listed by Committee in the schedule to this document.
For further information about the Planning Committee’s procedures, please read the Planning Committee Guide.
Prior to 7 May 2009 minor planning applications were dealt with by the Development Management Committee. Major applications were dealt with by the Strategic Planning Committee.
Prior to 19 October 2006 applications were dealt with by the Development Control Committee.
Information on how to submit a petition, deputation or public question is available on the council website.
Support officer: Rita Magdani, Senior Democratic & Electoral Services Officer. Tel: 07707 138582 E-mail: