That the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2023 be taken as read and signed as a correct record.
Ms Veronica Chamberlain, Adviser, proposed the following amendments to the minutes:
Item 43
Members’ questions, 9th bullet point:
… something in the Canva of the road …’ should read ‘… something in the camber of the road …’
"She also hoped Southfield Park would be included in the report about installation of 20mp/h signs for 2023/24." This should read '20 mph zones'
Item 44
Deputation: 2nd bullet point 1st sentence should read: ‘The Deputee responded that the implementation strategy could have been better thought out. Perhaps lessons …’
4th bullet point add at end:
The Adviser asked whether the Council’s schemes would all be compliant with Local Transport Note 1/20. An officer confirmed that this was the case.
10th bullet point to be rewritten as follows:
‘She asked why, that as there was a secondary school on this road, safe cycling provision had not been made in order to enable students to cycle safely to school as per Local Transport Note 1/20, which said that to receive government funding for local highways investment where the main element was not cycling or walking, there would be a presumption that schemes must deliver or improve certain infrastructure to the standard in the Note. An officer queried whether Clamp Hill was the right location; that it may be better to use the Bridges Road entrance if the aim was to encourage schoolchildren to cycle to that particular school given the gradient of the descent …’
Last bullet point: Should read as follows:
‘An Adviser suggested to officers that, when a crossing was considered, both pedestrian and cycling crossing facilities should be built, as the cycle crossing of Pinner Road just over the railway line had proved quite useful. Examples of much-needed crossings would be Harrow View between Cunningham Park and Marlborough Hill, Old Church Lane, Stanmore in the vicinity of Stanmore College and Harrow View – a speed table at the junction with Hindes Road. Officers agreed to investigate the possibility.’
Item 45
George V Avenue
Bottom of page 14 “At this stage, it had not been confirmed that speed was a factor however, automatic." - this is an incomplete sentence and should be completed.
Page 15: Members asked the following questions:
Second bullet point second sentence should read: ‘Despite previous assurances from officers, Harrow Cyclists had not received any designs to comment on, so she asked if officers could confirm that the design would be compliant with LTN 1/20 and that no shared space will be allowed at this junction.
... She also explained that the scheme was being taken forward as part of wider projects involving bigger junctions in the area and although there was a cycle route through there, any cycle design would not include that junction intentionally because it was being taken forward as part of a wider project.’
Third bullet point should read:
‘An Adviser commented that George V Avenue was crossed by a very important access point to the green space of Pinner Park Farm for both Pinner and Headstone residents, which was important for mental health. This access needed a safe crossing of George V Avenue. She suggested lowering the speed limit and installing a speed table at the bridleway crossing, to deter boy racers, who are a problem on that road, and make it safe for people who wanted fresh air and exercise.’
The proposed amendments were seconded by the Chair, and agreed by the Panel.
RESOLVED: That subject to the above amendments, the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2023 be taken as read and signed as a correct record.
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