Report of the Interim Director of Environmental Services
Members received the report on the progress with the 2022/23 traffic, cycle training and parking management programme of works which included schemes funded by Transport for London (TfL) and schemes in Harrow’s Capital Programme with the following highlights:
In March 2022 the government approved an initial package of financial support to TfL to cover the period between March and June 2022. The Council had received a further £925,000 from to TFL in October for schemes set out in the report. The grant must be spent by end of the financial year.
20 mph zone
Residents would be notified of the change in November and their views would be sought about the installation of the speed cushions, a slight adjustment of the inclusion of additional speed cushions from when that scheme will be delivered on the grounds by the 31st of March.
Station Road and Pine Road
There are junction improvement schemes. The addition of a pedestrian and cycle facilities to the junction, a feasibility study has been commissioned to explore the junction improvements. However, due to the concerns with the scope, the original project brief, as well as the quality of work undertaken so far, a review of the junction has now been undertaken.
George the fifth Avenue and Headstone drive
A local safety junction improvement scheme that must be consulted on this financial year and built before March 24. The scheme was at the feasibility and design stage
£20K worth of funding being spent on training for cycling locally, around schools and Appendix B goes into the detail of where both schemes are.
Electric Charging Points (EVs)
Currently there were 40 charging points in the borough. Funding has just been received for an additional 40. The Council is preparing a bid on a further 160 sites under the new levy funding the aim was to get 100% funded through negotiation with our suppliers. In addition, a new transport strategy that would go to Cabinet in January 2023 would include a borough-wide strategy for electric charging points across the borough, ideally, to get the council to net zero in line with climate change targets.
A Member asked if the 40 sites for the EV charging points have already been identified. The officers confirmed that the sites have been identified.
A Member asked how residents could let the Council know if they want an EV charging point located where they live. Implementation was demand led. The Council was putting them where residents want not where they think they might want them.
The officer explained that there was a list on the Council website, and they could add their local area to the list.
A Member questioned if there were any plans for cycle training for adults as had been for children. The officer responded that that with the council could not take on both Children and adults with the existing funding. The Member suggested that parents were more likely to let their children cycle if they could cycle with them.
A Member questioned about the rates. The officer explained that the rate was dependent on the contractor. Contractors for EVs had different models, some models allowed the use of your home electric tariff and with others there was a choice of different energy companies.
A Member asked how that would apply to a visitor to the borough. The officer explained that to access services, subscription was required. The subscriber would be provided with an account and a cable. Once in possession of the subscription, one could access the services just like a petrol station. The officer agreed to email further website details to Members.
A Member questioned if the 21 days consultation on the local large cycle parking programme would commence in January 2023. The officer confirmed that the consultation would commence in January 2023 but must be implemented by 31 March 2023.
An advisor questioned the current use of speed cushions which were considered as old fashioned. The officer explained that they were only used to address very specific issues on particular roads.
An Advisor questioned if there was any joint approach to ensuring that there was safe cycling provision round schools so that the children could actually be allowed to cycle to school. The officer explained that the funding for this year was limited to 20K but there were plans to approach different providers and new ideas around cycling such as sharing bikes across the borough and the implementation of school streets programme to increase safety.
An Advisor questioned if any consideration had been given to cycle parking schemes. The officer confirmed that the implementation of bike hangars across the borough was in consideration.
Councillor Simon Brown spoke on three schemes in Headstone. The A404 George V and Goodwill junction. He said that traffic had increased and there were safety concerns and suggested that section 106 funds could be used to mitigate the concerns. The officer confirmed that the whole area was being considered for safety improvements.
An advisor raised concerns about the junction between Station Road Parkside Way Kings Field Avenue and Southfield Park the speed of motorists and lack of protection for pedestrians. The officer explained that this would be considered though she was mindful of a scope creep.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
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