Report of the Corporate Director of Place.
The Panel received a report which was presented to members to provide an update on progress with the 2022/23 Traffic and Transportation programme of works, including ongoing schemes from 2021/22.
An officer outlined that this report explains current progress on traffic schemes and proposed schemes programme within the context of limited Transport for London (TfL) funding so far awarded for the 2022/23 financial year which was detailed in the Appendix.
The officer explained the context and outlined the main recommendations of the report which was regarding Marlborough School Street scheme.
Marlborough School Streets scheme
The report recommended the normal suspension of the school street over the summer holiday period (starting on 21 July) be extended to allow a new consultation to take place and until the results of that consultation are brought to the Panel’s next meeting in October 2022.
The consultation will start in July and run for ten weeks to take account of the summer holiday period.
A Member of the Panel commented that the feedback from residents would be listened to but was disappointed that another consultation would be undertaken as (only agreed by Cabinet in January 2022) extensive consultation had been carried out previously and that officers had assessed and actioned changes to address concerns raised as detailed in the report. It would mean that the scheme would be suspended until the Autumn half term and believed it would be difficult to gain responses over the summer holidays. School streets brought benefits including better air quality for children, fewer cars and improved safety and encouraged walking and cycling to school. Both the school and its pupils were very enthusiastic of the scheme and hoped that residents appreciated the benefits of the scheme being continued.
In response to a question from the Member on the extent of the consultation area, an officer confirmed a wider consultation area than before had been agreed, bounded by Station Road, Greenhill Way, Harrow View and Headstone Drive (and the railway line).
The Member commented that views would be sought from people living quite some way from the school.
RESOLVED: That the report and proposals be noted and that it be recommended to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Community Safety that:
(1) a new consultation with residents within the area of Marlborough Hill and Marlborough School be undertaken in order to gauge their views, including suggested improvements or whether there is still support for this scheme. This would include writing to all residents in the defined catchment area of the scheme to seek their views on the impact of the scheme so far to see if improvements could be made and whether there is support for the continuation of the scheme; and
(2) the suspension of the Marlborough Hill School Streets scheme, which would have occurred during the school summer holidays, be extended until a decision has been made on the future of this scheme.
Other Issues raised regarding the report
Questions from the Advisory Panel to which officers answered as followed:
An adviser noting Local Implementation Plan (LIP) objectives of encouraging more sustainable travel including those with mobility difficulties.
With reference to Howberry Road area and Royston Park Road traffic schemes (2.8 – 2.10), that speed cushions discriminate against disabled cyclists and would therefore not meet an equality impact assessment. Sinusoidal humps should be used for traffic calming so that disabled cyclists including those using adapted cycles/ trikes can be accommodated whereas speed cushions are dangerous to adapted cycles.
An Officer noted that sinusoidal humps had been proven to reduce vibrations, support cyclists and HGV movements. The type of road hump would be considered especially in regard to equality impact assessment and cost implications. We are also undertaking a wider review of all highway materials regarding accessibility and climate change.
The adviser raised, regarding the North Harrow Junction (between Station Road and Pinner Road 2.12 – 2.15), that a pedal cyclist was killed in 2021. Motor traffic volumes reflect the lack of safe cycle facilities. Will there be a green phase for cycling through this junction and can the junction proposals be shared with Harrow Cyclists, to allow input before decisions are taken?
An Officer confirmed Harrow cyclists would be fully consulted.
In relation to electric vehicle charging points (2.19 & 2.20) the Adviser raised concern for cyclist safety caused by the proposed (rapid) electric charging facility on Uxbridge Road (near Hatch End station). Electric vehicles were not a panacea for climate change and did not address the health issues of car dependency and the borough wanted to encourage the use of active travel. The Uxbridge Road facility had been promoted by officers at the Panel meeting in October 2021 despite the safety concerns raised. The Adviser requested the Panel agree that charging points would be installed at locations so that people using active travel, including children, were not put at risk and so planned or actual cycle routes would not be impeded.
The officer explained residential charging points would be in the form of overnight lamp column charging at the front of the footway, not the back, to avoid trip hazard for pedestrians or people with disabilities. In future, where we were considering daytime and rapid charging, we would avoid putting them in certain areas or on cycle lanes/routes.
A Member of the Panel requested whether of the locations of charging points could be highlighted in the form of signage so that they could be easily found.
Supporting documents: