Venue: Kyloe House Secure Children's Home, Netherton Park, Stannington, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 6DE
Contact: Daksha Ghelani, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 020 8424 1785 E-mail:
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Appointment of Chairman To appoint a Chairman for the purposes of this meeting. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Caroline Ellis be appointed Chairman of the Panel for this meeting. |
Terms of Reference To note the terms of reference as set out below:
“To review in accordance with the Children (Secure Accommodation) Regulations 1991 the Keeping of Children in Secure Accommodation.” Minutes: RESOLVED: That the terms of reference of the Panel be noted. |
[Note: Social Services Appeals Panel minutes are:-
(1) approved following each meeting by the Members serving on that particular occasion and signed as a correct record by the Chairman for that meeting; (2) not submitted to the next panel meeting for approval.
Reasons: The Social Services Appeals Panel is constituted from a pooled membership. Consequently, a subsequent Panel meeting is likely to comprise a different Chairman and Members who took no part in the previous meeting’s proceedings. The process referred to at (1) above provides appropriate approval scrutiny]. Minutes: (See Note at conclusion of these minutes). |
Enc. |
To note the enclosed guidance notes which set out the nature of the Panel. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the guidance notes setting out the nature of the Panel be noted. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public To resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of confidential information in breach of an obligation of confidence, or of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item for the reasons set out below:
The Keeping of a Child in Secure Accommodation Additional documents:
Minutes: The Panel considered a report of the Corporate Director of Children’s Services which set out the background to the current situation and outlined the reasons why a secure placement was still considered necessary. The Panel also considered a report from the Secure Unit.
The Panel carefully reviewed the case, taking into account the verbal updates from officers of Children’s Services and the Secure Unit. The child was in attendance for the whole meeting and was given the opportunity to set out his views.
The Panel agreed that the criteria for the placement in secure accommodation continued to apply, that the placement continued to be necessary and that no other description of accommodation was appropriate.
RESOLVED: That the child remain in the Secure Unit for a period of three months from 15 August 2011. |