Issue - meetings

Disciplinary Hearing

Meeting: 11/06/2013 - Personnel Appeals Panel (Item 90)

90 Disciplinary Hearing

(i) Procedure for Hearing & Conduct Procedure (pages 1 - 10)

(ii) Appellant’s Case Statement (pages 11-274)

? Appendix A (pages 14-19)

? Appendix B (pages 20-62)

? Appendix C (pages 63-136)

? Appendix D (pages 137-140)

? Appendix E (pages 141-167)

? Appendix F (pages 168-189)

? Appendix G (pages 190-214)

? Appendix H (pages 215-216)

? Appendix I (pages 217-256)

? Appendix J (pages 257-260)

? Appendix K (pages 261-263)

? Appendix L (pages 264-268)

? Appendix M (pages 269-274)

(iii) Management’s Case Statement (pages 275-982)

? Appendix 1 (pages 283-286)

? Appendix 2 (pages 287-324)

? Appendix 3 (pages 325-896)

? Appendix 4 (page 897-946 )

? Appendix 5 (pages 947-964)

? Appendix 6 (pages 965-966 )

? Appendix 7 (pages 967-968)

? Appendix 8 (pages 969-970)

? Appendix 9 (pages 971-972)

? Appendix 10 (pages 973-974)


? Appendix 11 (pages 975-976)


? Appendix 12 (pages 977-978)


? Appendix 13 (pages 979-980)


? Appendix 14 (pages 981-982)

Additional documents:


The Panel carefully considered both the written and verbal evidence provided by the appellant’s representative and management.


RESOLVED:  That the appeal be dismissed.

Meeting: 08/05/2013 - Personnel Appeals Panel (Item 85)

85 Disciplinary Hearing

(i) Procedure for Hearing & Conduct Procedure (pages 1 - 10)

(ii) Appellant’s Case Statement (pages 11 - 32)

(iii) Management’s Case Statement (pages 33 - 110)

? Appendix 1 (pages 47 - 50)

? Appendix 2 (pages 51-52)

? Appendix 3 (pages 53 - 70)

? Appendix 4 (page 71 - 78)

? Appendix 5 (pages 79 - 84)

? Appendix 6 (pages 85 - 86)

? Appendix 7 (pages 87 - 88)

? Appendix 8 (pages 89 - 98)

? Appendix 9 (pages 99 - 100)

? Appendix 10 (pages 101 - 109)


The Panel carefully considered both the written and verbal evidence provided by the appellant, the appellant’s representative and management.


RESOLVED:  That the appeal be dismissed.

Meeting: 22/04/2013 - Personnel Appeals Panel (Item 80)

Disciplinary Hearing

(i) Procedure for Hearing & Conduct Procedure (pages 1 - 8)

(ii) Appellant’s Case Statement (pages  - )

(iii) Management’s Case Statement (pages  - )

? Appendix 1 (pages)

? Appendix 2 (pages)

? Appendix 3 (page)

? Appendix 4 (page)

? Appendix 5 (pages)

? Appendix 6 (pages)


The Panel carefully considered both the written and verbal evidence provided by the appellant’s representative and management.


RESOLVED:  That the appeal be dismissed.

Meeting: 16/04/2013 - Personnel Appeals Panel (Item 75)

Disciplinary Hearing

(i) Procedure for Hearing & Conduct Procedure (pages 1 - 8)

(ii) Appellant’s Case Statement (pages  - )

(iii) Management’s Case Statement (pages  - )

? Appendix 1 (pages)

? Appendix 2 (pages)

? Appendix 3 (page)

? Appendix 4 (page)

? Appendix 5 (pages)

? Appendix 6 (pages)


The Panel carefully considered both the written and verbal evidence provided by the appellant, the appellant’s representative and management.


RESOLVED:  That the appeal be dismissed

Meeting: 18/03/2013 - Personnel Appeals Panel (Item 70)

Disciplinary Hearing

(i) Procedure for Hearing & Conduct Procedure (pages 1 - 10)

(ii) Appellant’s Case Statement (pages 11 - 18)

(iii) Management’s Case Statement (pages 19 -  118)

? Appendix 1 (pages 25 - 28)

? Appendix 2 (pages 29 - 36)

? Appendix 3 (page 37 - 38)

? Appendix 4 (page 39 - 46)

? Appendix 5 (pages 47 - 50)

? Appendix 6 (pages 51 - 100)

? Appendix 7 (pages 101 - 118)


The Panel carefully considered both the written and verbal evidence provided by the appellant, the appellant’s representative and management.


RESOLVED:  That the appeal be dismissed.

Meeting: 10/01/2013 - Personnel Appeals Panel (Item 65)

Disciplinary Hearing


The Panel carefully considered both the written and verbal evidence provided by the appellant, the appellant’s representative and management.


RESOLVED:  That the appeal be dismissed.

Meeting: 19/12/2012 - Personnel Appeals Panel (Item 60)

Disciplinary Hearing


The Panel carefully considered both the written and verbal evidence provided by the appellant, the appellant’s representative and management.


RESOLVED:  That the appeal be dismissed.