Issue - meetings

The Keeping of a Child in Secure Accommodation

Meeting: 14/11/2005 - Social Services Appeals Panel (Item 25)

25 Formal Complaint about the Provision of Social Services

Management Case Statement  (Pages 3 – 6)


Appendix A – Statement from the Complainant  (Pages 7 – 8)


Appendix B – Adjudicating Officer’s Response  (Pages 9 – 12)


Appendix C – Investigating Officer’s Response  (Pages 13 – 42)


Appendix D – Independent Officer’s Report  (Pages 43 – 44)

Additional documents:


The Panel received the documentation relevant to this matter (as listed on the agenda), including a report of the Independent Investigator, which set out the background to the complaint, and the management response to the complaint.


As the Complainants did not attend the meeting, the Panel


RESOLVED: that the meeting should not proceed.